Keywords: home crafts
Item 10156
Outdoor crafts lesson at Camp Runoia, 1951
Contributed by: Camp Runoia Date: 1951 Location: Belgrade Lakes Media: Photographic print
Item 104991
"No Place Like Home" sampler, Westport Island, ca. 1875
Contributed by: Dedee Greenleaf-Hodgdon through Westport Island History Committee Date: circa 1875 Location: Westport Island Media: Burlap, silk
Item 32066
88-90 Alba Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Frances J Getchell Style: Vernacular - Arts & Crafts Use: Bungalow
Item 32266
173-177 Ashmont Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Carrol B Skillin Style: Vernacular - Arts & Crafts Use: Dwelling - Single family
Item 151579
Waterford Library, Waterford, 1937
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1930–1937 Location: Waterford Client: unknown Architect: John Calvin Stevens and John Howard Stevens Architects
Maine is home to dozens of summer-long youth camps and untold numbers of day camps that take advantage of water, woods, and fresh air. While the children, counselors, and other staff come to Maine in the summer, the camps live on throughout the year and throughout the lives of many of the campers.
Gifts From Gluskabe: Maine Indian Artforms
According to legend, the Great Spirit created Gluskabe, who shaped the world of the Native People of Maine, and taught them how to use and respect the land and the resources around them. This exhibit celebrates the gifts of Gluskabe with Maine Indian art works from the early nineteenth to mid twentieth centuries.
Site Page
Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Project Home
"… by the National Endowment for the Humanities, was crafted to digitize and provide free, full-text online access to three of Maine Historical…"
Site Page
Islesboro--An Island in Penobscot Bay - Businesses and Cottage Industries
"These crafts still flourish on the island, and are sold at various outlets, most importantly and successfully at the highly popular Arts and Craft…"
Rug Hooking Project with a Story
by Marilyn Weymouth Seguin
My grandmother taught me the Maine craft of rug hooking when I was a child.
My artwork help process memories of Vietnam
by Brian Barry
My Eagle drawing won first place in the Togus Arts and Crafts show, third in the Nationals.