Keywords: humiliation
Item 1139
Chamberlain holiday proclamation, Augusta, 1867
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1867-04-04 Location: Augusta Media: Ink on paper
Item 100486
Proclamation for a Day of Public Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer, Augusta, 1862
Contributed by: Janet Gill through Washburn Norlands Living History Center Date: 1862-04-10 Location: Augusta Media: Ink on paper
Mainers have been held prisoners in conflicts fought on Maine and American soil and in those fought overseas. In addition, enemy prisoners from several wars have been brought to Maine soil for the duration of the war.
Rebecca Usher: 'To Succor the Suffering Soldiers'
Rebecca Usher of Hollis was 41 and single when she joined the Union nursing service at the U.S. General Hospital at Chester, Pennsylvania. Her time there and later at City Point, Virginia, were defining experiences of her life.
Site Page
Thomaston: The Town that Went to Sea - The Thomaston Academy
"He is said to have lived an exemplary life thereafter, but his marriage had not survived and his family had suffered humiliation."
Site Page
Highlighting Historical Hampden - John Crosby
"Days of “humiliation, fasting and prayer” were often practiced by the church members. He was with the parishioners through difficult times when there…"
Stripped Of More Than Clothing
by Dan Adams
Juvenile strip searches while incarcerated.
My Story of Trauma
by Anonymous (Maine Correction Center)
The process of being incarcerated is traumatic. This is my story.