Keywords: liberty
Item 98810
Contributed by: Penobscot Marine Museum Date: circa 1940 Location: Liberty Media: Glass Negative
Item 109062
Lake George, Liberty, ca. 1915
Contributed by: Penobscot Marine Museum Date: circa 1915 Location: Liberty Media: Glass Plate Negative
Item 61317
16 Liberty Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Henry L. Starbird Use: Dwelling - Single family
Item 61316
15 Liberty Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: William Guy Getchell Use: Dwelling - Two family
Item 150534
High School Building for Mr. Norman H. Fay, Dexter, 1918
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1918 Location: Dexter; Dexter Client: Norman H. Fay Architect: Harry S. Coombs
Liberty Threatened: Maine in 1775
At Lexington and Concord, on April 19, 1775, British troops attempted to destroy munitions stored by American colonists. The battles were the opening salvos of the American Revolution. Shortly, the conflict would erupt in Maine.
Imagery on letterhead soldiers used, on soldiers' memorials produced after the war, and on many other items captured the themes of the American Civil War: union, liberty, and freedom.
Site Page
Bath's Historic Downtown - Dreamland and Liberty
"After the Liberty Theatre closed in 1923, the building then became the Liberty Garage in 1924 because automobiles were becoming more popular and they…"
Site Page
Bath's Historic Downtown - Student Exhibits
"… City Hall Entertainment Venues - Dreamland and Liberty Entertainment Venues - The Alameda and The Opera House Ledyard Block Lincoln Block…"
The Equal Freedom to Marry
by Mary L Bonauto
Marriage Equality, Maine, and the U.S. Supreme Court
Florence Ahlquist Link's WWII service in the WAVES
by Earlene Ahlquist Chadbourne
Florence Ahlquist, age 20, was trained to repair the new aeronautical cameras by the US Navy in WWII