Keywords: pharmacists
Item 99788
Pharmacists Guy O. Gardner and Edgar N. Bujold, Dixfield, 1953
Contributed by: Dixfield Historical Society Date: 1953-01-05 Location: Dixfield Media: Photographic print
Item 68676
L. Roy Lewis drives across the suspension bridge, Strong, ca. 1912
Contributed by: Strong Historical Society Date: circa 1912 Location: Strong Media: Photographic print
Civil Defense: Fear and Safety
In the 1950s and the 1960s, Maine's Civil Defense effort focused on preparedness for hurricanes, floods and other natural disasters and a more global concern, nuclear war. Civil Defense materials urged awareness, along with measures like storing food and other staple items and preparing underground or other shelters.
One Hundred Years of Caring -- EMMC
In 1892 five physicians -- William H. Simmons, William C. Mason, Walter H. Hunt, Everett T. Nealey, and William E. Baxter -- realized the need for a hospital in the city of Bangor had become urgent and they set about providing one.
Site Page
Mercy Hospital - People of Mercy - Page 2 of 2
"… School of Pharmacy as a registered hospital pharmacist. She served at Mercy Hospital until 1964."
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Martha Ballard
"… a midwife, nurse, physician, mortician, pharmacist, and attentive wife. Furthermore, in the very act of recording her work, she became a keeper of…"