Keywords: rail line
Item 17849
Contributed by: Oakfield Historical Society Date: circa 1955 Media: Photographic print
Item 5423
Patten from rail station, ca. 1900
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1900 Location: Patten Media: Glass Negative
Black soldiers served in Maine during World War II, assigned in small numbers throughout the state to guard Grand Trunk rail lines from a possible German attack. The soldiers, who lived in railroad cars near their posts often interacted with local residents.
J.A. Poor and the Portland-Montreal Connection
John A. Poor's determination in 1845 to bring rail service to Maine and to make Portland the winter port for Montreal, along with the steel foundry he started to build locomotives and many other products, helped boost the economy of Portland the state.
Site Page
Presque Isle: The Star City - Bangor and Aroostook GP-38, Presque Isle, 1991
"Pictured with engine 94 is young rail enthusiast, Frederick Asam. View additional information about this item on the Maine Memory Network."
Site Page
Presque Isle: The Star City - Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Bus Service, Presque Isle, 1957
"… and Aroostook Railroad started cutting back on rail passenger service in Northern Maine. On November 25, 1957, four busses replaced two trains (No."
The only letter to survive World War II
by Cyrene Slegona
Only one of many letters my father sent to his wife remained after he came home from World War II.
Growing up DownEast
by Darrin MC Mclellan
Stories of growing up Downeast