Keywords: secesh
Item 9705
Letter from Thomas Lindsey to Abial Bishop, 1863
Contributed by: Leeds Historical Society Date: 1863-06-19 Location: Leeds; Great Falls Media: Ink on paper, letter
War Through the Eyes of a Young Sailor
Eager to deal with the "Sesech" [Secessionists], young deepwater sailor John Monroe Dillingham of Freeport enlisted in the U.S. Navy as soon as he returned from a long voyage in 1862. His letters and those of his family offer first-hand insight into how one individual viewed the war.
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Part 4, pages 57-76
"… "urging" businesses run by Democrats or "secesh" to fly American flags and express support for the Union."
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Scrap & Sketch Book 2: 1864-1866
"… Republican, he supported the war, deplored the "secesh" element in Bangor, Democratic politics, the Irish residents who voted with the Democrats…"