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Keywords: Commercial Street

Architecture & Landscape

This database includes rich collections of architectural building and landscape commissions dating from about 1850 through the present. Represented are Maine architects and designers; commissioned projects in Maine or for Maine residents; and some out of state commissions by Maine architects. Commissions include drawings for urban, coastal, and rural communities, and landscape design, parks, urban planning, and planned communities. Search the commissions This database includes rich collections of architectural building and landscape commissions dating from about 1850 through the present. Represented are Maine architects and designers; commissioned projects in Maine or for Maine residents; and some out of state commissions by Maine architects. Commissions include drawings for urban, coastal, and rural communities, and landscape design, parks, urban planning, and planned communities. Search the commissions

Item 150651

Block for Atwood, Fisher and Cressey (Kora Temple), Lewiston, 1895-1896

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1895–1896 Location: Lewiston Client: Atwood, Fisher & Cressey Architect: George M. Coombs

Item 150757

Block for Mr. J.J. O'Connell, Lewiston, 1892

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1892 Location: Lewiston Client: J. J. O'Connell Architect: George M. Coombs

Item 150775

Block for Mr. Ferd Penley, Auburn, 1892

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1892 Location: Auburn Client: Ferd. Penley Architect: George M. Coombs

Item 151514

Alterations to Kimball Block, Portland, ca. 1900

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1900 Location: Portland Client: Kimball Architect: John Calvin Stevens

Item 150440

Plans for the Callahan Buildings, Lewiston, 1892-1910

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1892–1910 Location: Lewiston; Lewiston Clients: Timothy F. Callahan; Eugene A. Callahan Architect: George M. Coombs; Coombs, Gibbs and Wilkinson Architects

Item 150795

Store for Robert M. Leach, Portland,1922

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1922 Location: Portland; Portland; Taunton Client: Robert Leach Architect: George M. Coombs
This record contains 2 images.

Item 150832

Building for Mr. I.G. Sharaf & Alterations in the Bank of the Livermore Falls Trust and Banking Co., Livermore Falls, 1899-1928

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1899–1928 Location: Livermore Falls Clients: I. G. Sharaf; Livermore Falls Trust Company Architect: Harry S. Coombs; Coombs, Gibbs, and Wilkinson Architects
This record contains 7 images.

Item 150701

Alterations In Lyceum Hall for K. of P. Society, Lewiston, 1896-1897

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1896–1897 Location: Lewiston Client: Knights of Pythias Architect: Coombs, Gibbs, and Wilkinson Architects

Item 150413

Plans of Block at East Bethel, 1891

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1891 Location: Bethel Clients: Fred Cole; Elmer Cole Architect: George M. Coombs

Item 150487

Block for Dr. J. W. Curtis, Brunswick, 1901

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1901 Location: Brunswick Client: J. W. Curtis Architect: Coombs and Gibbs Architects

Item 150685

Alteration in Masonic Building at Lisbon Falls, Lisbon, ca. 1920

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1920 Location: Lisbon Client: Freemasons Architect: Harrry S. Coombs

Item 150730

Centennial Block for Herbest & Merrill, Lewiston, 1876

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1876 Location: Lewiston Client: Herbest & Merrill Architect: Stevens and Coombs Architects

Item 150751

Grange Hall at Norway, 1909

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1909 Location: Norway Client: unknown Architect: Coombs and Gibbs Architects

Item 150766

Odd Fellows Block, Lewiston, 1876

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1876 Location: Lewiston Client: Perkins, Douglas, and Cook Architect: Stevens and Coombs Architects

Item 150822

Additions to the Royal Restaurant, Lewiston, 1916-1928

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1916–1928 Location: Lewiston Client: unknown Architect: Harry S. Coombs

Item 151024

Contemplated building for J.B. Brown & Sons, Portland, ca. 1914

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1914 Location: Portland Client: J.B. Brown & Sons Architect: John P. Thomas

Item 150792

Plans for Bay Point Hotel, Rockland, 1889-1902

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1889–1902 Location: Rockland Client: H. Ricker and Sons Architect: George M. Coombs; Coombs and Gibbs Architects
This record contains 6 images.

Item 150521

Plans of Bank Building, Dover-Foxcroft, 1886

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1886 Location: Dover-Foxcroft Client: Oddfellows Architect: George M. Coombs

Item 151609

Miss Marcia I. Taylor block, Portland, 1922-1940

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1922–1940 Location: Portland; Portland Client: Marica I. Taylor Architect: John Calvin Stevens and John Howard Stevens Architects

Item 150519

Sketch of proposed building for French Catholic Society, Lewiston, 1881-1886

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1881–1886 Location: Lewiston; Lewiston Clients: Dominican Fathers; French Catholic Society Architect: George M. Coombs; Coombs Bros. Architects
This record contains 6 images.

Item 151606

Peterson storefront, Portland, 1900

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1900-03-20 Location: Portland Client: J. W. Peterson Architect: John Calvin Stevens

Item 151396

Sarajo Gallery, New York, New York, 2016

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 2016 Location: New York Clients: Yosi Barzilai; Grant Lindsey Architect: Carol A. Wilson; Carol A. Wilson Architect

Item 151395

Sarajo Gallery, Portland, 2007

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 2007 Location: Portland Clients: Yosi Barzilai; Sarajo Gallery Architect: Carol A. Wilson; Carol A. Wilson Architect

Item 151298

Plans for Warehouse Building, Portland, 1917-1946

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1917–1946 Location: Portland Client: Burnham and Morrill Co. Architect: John Howard Stevens; John Howard Stevens and John Calvin Stevens II Architects
This record contains 13 images.