Search Results

Keywords: Street cars

Historical Items

These results include photographs, documents, letters, paintings, artifacts, and many other kinds of Maine related items from collections around the state and elsewhere.

Item 9083

Railroad Bridge, Skowhegan, ca. 1870

Contributed by: Skowhegan History House Date: circa 1870 Location: Skowhegan Media: Stereograph

Item 50711

Aroostook Valley Railroad car #52, Presque Isle, ca. 1915

Contributed by: Seashore Trolley Museum Date: circa 1915 Location: Presque Isle Media: Photographic print

Item 25138

After the Theatre, Riverton Park, ca. 1905

Contributed by: Seashore Trolley Museum Date: circa 1905 Location: Portland Media: Postcard

Item 26561

Trolley excursion film, Lewiston-Auburn, ca. 1935, ca. 1935

Contributed by: Northeast Historic Film Date: circa 1935 Location: Lewiston; Auburn Media: filmstrip

Item 108633

Sagadahoc Ferry, Woolwich, ca. 1910

Contributed by: Penobscot Marine Museum Date: circa 1910 Location: Woolwich Media: Glass Plate Negative

Item 102284

Installing trolley tracks in Cape Porpoise, ca. 1900

Contributed by: Brick Store Museum Date: circa 1900 Location: Cape Porpoise Media: Glass Negative

Item 10747

Band on parade, Monson, 1939

Contributed by: Monson Historical Society Date: 1939-05-30 Location: Monson Media: Photographic print

Item 59765

Kennebunk Village to Cape Porpoise electric railroads, ca. 1927

Contributed by: Seashore Trolley Museum Date: circa 1927 Location: Kennebunk; Cape Porpoise Media: Ink on paper

Item 60061

Boat landing, Lakewood Park, Madison, ca. 1915

Contributed by: Seashore Trolley Museum Date: circa 1915 Location: Madison Media: Postcard

Item 18392

St-Jean-Baptiste Day parade, Auburn, 1962

Contributed by: Franco-American Collection, University of Southern Maine Libraries Date: 1962 Location: Auburn Media: Photographic print

Item 29167

Town House Corners Trolley Station, Kennebunkport, ca. 1903

Contributed by: Kennebunkport Historical Society Date: circa 1903 Location: Kennebunkport Media: Photographic print

Item 108630

Harbor View Hotel, Bath, ca. 1910

Contributed by: Penobscot Marine Museum Date: circa 1910 Location: Bath Media: Glass Plate Negative

Item 11221

April blizzard, Portland, 1982

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1982-04-07 Location: Portland Media: Photographic print

Item 26787

Three views of Washburn, ca. 1910

Contributed by: Seashore Trolley Museum Date: circa 1910 Location: Washburn Media: Postcard

Item 103184

Monument Square traffic, Portland, 1921

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media Date: 1921 Location: Portland Media: Glass Negative

Item 28743

Sabattus, ca. 1910

Contributed by: Seashore Trolley Museum Date: circa 1910 Location: Sabattus Media: Postcard

Item 101512

Painchaud's Band parading on Main Street, Biddeford, 1933

Contributed by: McArthur Public Library Date: 1933-10-29 Location: Biddeford Media: Photographic print

Item 28765

The Square, Camden, ca. 1910

Contributed by: Seashore Trolley Museum Date: circa 1910 Location: Camden Media: Postcard

Item 53961

New Meadows Inn Station, Bath, ca. 1910

Contributed by: Seashore Trolley Museum Date: circa 1910 Location: Bath Media: Photographic print

Item 25067

Thompson Block, Bath, ca. 1944

Contributed by: Seashore Trolley Museum Date: circa 1900 Location: Bath Media: Postcard

Item 27661

Aroostook Valley Railroad depot, Presque Isle, 1910

Contributed by: Presque Isle Historical Society Date: 1910 Location: Presque Isle Media: Photographic print

Item 100705

Film of public works snow removal, Portland, ca. 1940

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1940 Location: Portland Media: filmstrip, 16mm

Item 105877

Hilton's Store and Post Office, Alna, 1909

Contributed by: Penobscot Marine Museum Date: circa 1909 Location: Alna Media: Glass Plate Negative

Item 29149

Trolley Crew Clearing Snow, Cape Porpoise, ca. 1910

Contributed by: Kennebunkport Historical Society Date: circa 1910 Location: Cape Porpoise Media: Photographic print