Keywords: worker housing
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Historical Items
These results include photographs, documents, letters, paintings, artifacts, and many other kinds of Maine related items from collections around the state and elsewhere.
Item 63741
Pepperell boarding house block, Biddeford, ca. 1900
Contributed by: An individual through Biddeford Historical Society Date: circa 1900 Location: Biddeford Media: Postcard
Item 80828
Robert Nisbet, Rumford, ca. 1905
Contributed by: Greater Rumford Area Historical Society Date: circa 1905 Location: Rumford Media: Photographic print
Item 23689
Apartment house, Passamaquoddy Tidal Power project, Eastport, 1935
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1935 Location: Eastport Media: Ink on paper
Item 34520
Johnson Bay and commercial district, Lubec, ca. 1930, ca. 1930
Contributed by: Lubec Historical Society Date: circa 1930 Location: Lubec Media: Photographic print
Item 14146
Contributed by: National Archives at Boston Date: 1936-05-05 Location: Eastport Media: Photographic print
Item 10751
Slate workers, Monson, ca. 1922
Contributed by: Monson Historical Society Date: circa 1922 Location: Monson Media: Photographic print
Item 23687
Permanent house sketch, Passamaquoddy Bay Tidal Power project, 1935
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1935 Location: Eastport Media: Ink on paper, architectural drawing
Item 100131
Union Street south from Summer Street, Rockland, ca. 1875
Contributed by: Rockland Historical Society Date: circa 1875 Location: Rockland Media: Stereograph
Item 29348
Danish Village, Scarborough, ca. 1930
Contributed by: Scarborough Historical Society & Museum Date: circa 1930 Location: Scarborough; Ribe Media: Photographic print
Item 27699
Lubec View from Campobello Island, Lubec, ca. 1920
Contributed by: Lubec Memorial Library Date: circa 1920 Location: Lubec Media: Postcard
Item 38187
Arthur Moore Ice House, Hallowell, ca. 1934
Contributed by: Hubbard Free Library Date: circa 1934 Location: Hallowell Media: Photographic print
Item 97125
Workers, woodsmen, guides, Norcross, ca. 1900
Contributed by: Norcross Heritage Trust Date: circa 1900 Location: Indian Purchase Township No. 3 Media: Photographic print
Item 78819
The Goodwin Houses, Ridlonville, ca. 1900
Contributed by: Mexico Historical Society Date: circa 1900 Location: Mexico Media: Photo postcard
Item 23691
Boiler house, Passamaquoddy Tidal Power project, Eastport, 1935
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1935 Location: Eastport Media: Ink on paper
Item 87983
Sardine factory, North Lubec, ca. 1910
Contributed by: Penobscot Marine Museum Date: circa 1910 Location: Lubec Media: Glass Negative
Item 19445
Boarding House in Hall Quarry, ca. 1900
Contributed by: Maine Granite Industry Historical Society Date: circa 1900 Location: Mount Desert Media: Photographic print
Item 19424
Cunningham Boarding House, Mount Desert, ca. 1905
Contributed by: Maine Granite Industry Historical Society Date: circa 1905 Location: Mount Desert; Hall Quarry Media: Photographic print
Item 21202
Furbish House, Brunswick, ca. 1880
Contributed by: Pejepscot History Center Date: circa 1880 Location: Brunswick Media: Stereograph
Item 23688
Dormitory, Passamaquoddy Bay Tidal Power project, Eastport, 1935
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1935 Location: Eastport Media: Ink on paper
Item 29070
Boarding houses of York Mills, Saco, ca. 1900
Contributed by: McArthur Public Library Date: circa 1900 Location: Saco Media: Photographic print
Item 22982
CCC workers in Ellsworth, 1934
Contributed by: Acadia National Park Date: circa 1934 Location: Bar Harbor; Ellsworth Media: Photographic print
Item 19533
Logs at a Stockholm mill, ca. 1905
Contributed by: Stockholm Historical Society Date: circa 1905 Location: Stockholm Media: Photographic print
Item 29436
Hallowell Steam and Boom Company, Hallowell, ca. 1895
Courtesy of Sumner A. Webber, Sr., an individual partner Date: circa 1895 Location: Hallowell; Chelsea Media: Photographic print
Item 21541
Benjamin Furbish house, Brunswick, ca. 1880
Contributed by: Pejepscot History Center Date: circa 1880 Location: Brunswick; Brunswick Media: Stereopticon slide