Keywords: Bath (ME)
- Historical Items (533)
- Tax Records (5)
- Architecture & Landscape (32)
- Online Exhibits (49)
- Site Pages (60)
- My Maine Stories (10)
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Historical Items
These results include photographs, documents, letters, paintings, artifacts, and many other kinds of Maine related items from collections around the state and elsewhere.
Item 77453
James Blaine telegram to G.F. Shepley, Augusta, 1868
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1868 Location: Portland; Rockland Media: Ink on paper
Item 84253
Civil War cigar relic, Richmond, Va, 1862
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1862 Location: Portland; Richmond Media: Tobacco, paper
Item 29080
Letter announcing Maine statehood, 1820
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1820 Media: Ink on paper
Item 9813
Roy House (Maison Roi), Van Buren, ca. 1990
Contributed by: L'Heritage Vivant Living Heritage Date: circa 1790 Location: Van Buren Media: Hand hewed logs
Item 80423
Letter to Sarah Tarbox from her mother, 1838
Contributed by: Westport Island History Committee Date: 1838-06-15 Location: Westport Media: Ink on paper
Item 108633
Sagadahoc Ferry, Woolwich, ca. 1910
Contributed by: Penobscot Marine Museum Date: circa 1910 Location: Woolwich Media: Glass Plate Negative
Item 70044
Bathing beach, Old Orchard Beach, ca. 1938
Contributed by: Boston Public Library Date: circa 1938 Location: Old Orchard Beach Media: Linen texture postcard
Item 103658
Nathaniel Willis to William King regarding newspaper politics, Portland, 1806
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1806-05-07 Location: Cape Elizabeth; Portland; Falmouth; Bath Media: Ink on paper
Item 80269
Letter to Sarah Tarbox from brother Franklin, 1850
Contributed by: Westport Island History Committee Date: 1850 Location: Richmond Corner; Westport; Bath Media: Ink on paper
Item 6314
Lakewood Inn and Theatre, ca. 1935
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1935 Location: Skowhegan; Lakewood Media: Postcard
Item 9372
Copy of a letter from Joshua Richardson to David Magoun, 1841
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1841-05-08 Location: Bath; Portland; Savannah Media: Ink on paper
Item 80416
Letter to Wilmot Greenleaf from Florence Jewett, 1848
Contributed by: Westport Island History Committee Date: 1848 Location: Westport Island; Boston; Bath Media: Ink on paper
Item 122786
Plymouth Company Records, box 1/1, 1625–1665
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
Date: 1625–1665
Location: Auburn; Augusta; Barnstable; Brunswick; Cahennewagen; Damarascotty River; Eastham; Fairfield; Marshfield; Menhigan; Niniganes; Pemaquit; Phipcot; Rehoboth; Richmond; Sagadahoc; Sagadehoc; Sandwich; Scituate; Taunton; Topsham; Winslow; Yarmouth
Media: Ink on Paper
This record contains 57 images.
Item 12157
Ottawa House, Cushing Island, ca. 1900
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1900 Location: Cape Elizabeth; Portland Media: Glass Negative
Item 26400
Hurricane Damage, Thomaston, ca. 1954
Contributed by: An individual through Thomaston Historical Society Date: circa 1954 Location: Thomaston Media: Photographic print
Item 31671
Letter about Penobscots, Brunswick, 1844
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1844-10-16 Location: Brunswick Media: Ink on paper
Item 98760
Christening day for steamship 'Belfast,' 1909
Contributed by: Penobscot Marine Museum Date: 1909-05-18 Location: Belfast Media: Glass Negative
Item 102820
Film of Soap Box Derby, Portland, 1940
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1940 Location: Portland Media: filmstrip, 16mm
Item 108617
View of Parker Head, Phippsburg, ca. 1910
Contributed by: Penobscot Marine Museum Date: circa 1910 Location: Phippsburg Media: Glass Plate Negative
Item 53411
Contributed by: Dyer Library/Saco Museum Date: circa 1919 Location: Saco Media: Photographic print
Item 73332
Red Cross Life Saving Class, ca. 1926
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media Date: circa 1926 Location: Portland Media: Glass Negative
Item 79989
Thomas W. Hyde letter about cigar, Richmond, Va., 1862
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1862 Location: Richmond; Portland Media: Ink on paper
Item 108654
A. B. Thwings Store at Days Ferry, Woolwich, ca. 1910
Contributed by: Penobscot Marine Museum Date: circa 1910 Location: Woolwich; Woolwich Media: Glass Plate Negative
Item 112088
Pejepscot Company Records, Volume 5, 1673–1856
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society
Date: 1673–1856
Location: Brunswick; Topsham
Media: Ink on paper
This record contains 546 images.