Search Results

Keywords: Planting

Historical Items

These results include photographs, documents, letters, paintings, artifacts, and many other kinds of Maine related items from collections around the state and elsewhere.

Item 12810

George H. Stone and Son Farm, Fort Fairfield, ca. 1930

Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1930 Location: Fort Fairfield Media: Photographic print

Item 12812

H. B. McLaughlin Farm, Limestone, ca. 1930

Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1930 Location: Limestone Media: Photographic print

Item 12813

Irvin and Clarence Clark Farm, Mars Hill, ca. 1930

Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1930 Location: Mars Hill Media: Photographic print

Item 12814

Grover Johnston Farm, Presque Isle, ca. 1930

Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1930 Location: Presque Isle Media: Photographic print

Item 12815

John C. Smith Farm, Easton, ca. 1930

Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1930 Location: Easton Media: Photographic print

Item 12821

Ralph R. Tilley Farm, Garfield Plantation, ca. 1930

Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1930 Location: Garfield Plantation Media: Photographic print

Item 12823

George Turner Farm, Mapleton, 1936

Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: 1936 Location: Mapleton Media: Photographic print

Item 12824

Fred Urquhart Farm, Presque Isle, ca. 1930

Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1930 Location: Presque Isle Media: Photographic print

Item 26959

American Can Company, Lubec, ca. 1915

Contributed by: Lubec Historical Society Date: circa 1915 Location: Lubec Media: Photographic print

Item 27771

Columbian Canning Company, Lubec, ca. 1910

Contributed by: Lubec Historical Society Date: circa 1910 Location: Lubec Media: Photographic print

Item 31031

American Can Co. factory, Lubec, ca. 1987, ca. 1987

Contributed by: Lubec Historical Society Date: circa 1987 Location: Lubec Media: Photograph, polaroid

Item 101902

The Rial Colby farm, Westport Island, ca. 1930

Contributed by: Westport Island History Committee Date: circa 1930 Location: Westport Island Media: Photographic print

Item 111994

No Radiation without Representation Yes on 1A t-shirt, 1984

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1984 Media: Cotton, ink

Item 5749

John Sawyer letter to Rev. William Jenks about Penobscot agriculture, 1810

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1810-11-30 Location: Bangor Media: Paper

  view a full transcription

Item 7506

Jewett Vegetable Cans, Norridgewock, ca. 1900

Contributed by: Norridgewock Historical Society Date: circa 1900 Location: Norridgewock Media: metal, paper

Item 8969

Maying party, Skowhegan, 1894

Contributed by: Skowhegan History House Date: 1894-05-01 Location: Skowhegan Media: Photographic print

Item 13235

Hoeing potato field, Caribou, ca. 1930, ca. 1930

Contributed by: Caribou Public Library Date: circa 1930 Location: Caribou Media: Photographic print

Item 16072

Tater-State brand burlap seed potato bag, Presque Isle, ca. 1970

Contributed by: Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum Date: circa 1970 Location: Presque Isle Media: Burlap

Item 16537

Cushman Baking Company delivery truck, Portland, ca. 1920

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1920 Location: Portland Media: Photographic print

Item 18780

Horse drawn potato planter, New Sweden, ca. 1922

Contributed by: Nylander Museum Date: circa 1922 Location: New Sweden Media: Photographic print

Item 19171

Kenarden Lodge, Bar Harbor, ca. 1910

Contributed by: Jesup Memorial Library Date: circa 1910 Location: Bar Harbor Media: Postcard

Item 21605

Inspecting a potato field, Caribou, ca. 1922

Contributed by: Nylander Museum Date: circa 1922 Location: Caribou Media: Photographic print

Item 23386

King Farm, Presque Isle, ca. 1920

Contributed by: Presque Isle Historical Society Date: circa 1920 Location: Presque Isle Media: Photographic print

Item 26986

Water line for American Can Co., Lubec, ca. 1910

Contributed by: Lubec Historical Society Date: circa 1910 Location: Lubec Media: Photograph on cardboard