Keywords: passenger
- Historical Items (372)
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- Site Pages (48)
- My Maine Stories (5)
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Historical Items
These results include photographs, documents, letters, paintings, artifacts, and many other kinds of Maine related items from collections around the state and elsewhere.
Item 34066
Steamship arrival, Lubec, ca. 1895, ca. 1895
Contributed by: Lubec Historical Society Date: circa 1895 Location: Lubec Media: Photographic print
Item 11524
Thomas automobile, Portland, ca. 1910
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1910 Location: Portland Media: Photographic print
Item 13840
Maine Central Railroad fares, 1918
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1917 Media: Ink on paper
Item 10113
Bangor and Aroostook Raiload engine 242, Fort Kent, ca. 1945
Contributed by: Fort Kent Historical Society Date: circa 1945 Location: Fort Kent Media: Photographic print
Item 15178
1910 Stanley Steamer, photographed at Seal Cove Auto Museum, ca. 2005
Contributed by: Seal Cove Auto Museum Date: 1910 Location: Seal Cove Media: Metal and Rubber
Item 148826
"Sunbeam III" Captain Frye with passengers, ca. 1950
Contributed by: Maine Seacoast Mission Date: circa 1950 Location: Bar Harbor Media: Photographic print
Item 29159
Trolley Cars and Passengers at Town House Station, Kennebunkport, ca. 1904
Contributed by: Kennebunkport Historical Society Date: circa 1904 Location: Kennebunkport Media: Photographic print
Item 1141
Portland and Ogdensburg RR, Notice to Workmen, 1871
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1871-05-01 Location: Portland Media: Ink on paper
Item 15931
Portland & Rochester Locomotive, Springvale, ca. 1905
Contributed by: Sanford-Springvale Historical Society Date: circa 1905 Location: Sanford Media: Print from Glass Negative
Item 23122
Plane crash on Callnan Farm, Houlton, ca. 1945
Contributed by: Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum Date: circa 1945 Location: Houlton Media: Photographic print
Item 31971
Tin Bridge train wreck, Bangor, 1871
Contributed by: Bangor Public Library Date: 1871-08-09 Location: Bangor Media: Stereograph
Item 35038
Harriett and Arthur Waterman, Portland, ca. 1935
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1935 Location: Portland Media: Photographic print
Item 148769
"Sunbeam II" passengers watching Norwegian vessel "Toronto" deliver sailboats, Bear Island, 1938
Contributed by: Maine Seacoast Mission Date: 1938-05-06 Location: Northeast Harbor Media: Photographic print
Item 31129
Turner Railroad, Auburn, ca. 1925
Contributed by: Turner Museum and Historical Society Date: circa 1925 Location: Turner; Auburn Media: Photographic print
Item 25567
Mackerel Cove, Bailey Island, ca. 1910
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1910 Location: Harpswell Media: Photographic print
Item 29150
Mousam River Railroad Trolley, Springvale, ca. 1910
Contributed by: Kennebunkport Historical Society Date: circa 1910 Location: Sanford Media: Photographic print
Item 17653
Fryeburg Ski transportation, 1936
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media Date: 1936 Location: Fryeburg Media: Glass Negative
Item 33333
Passamaquoddy Steam Ferry Co., Eastport, ca. 1890, ca. 1890
Contributed by: Lubec Historical Society Date: circa 1890 Location: Eastport Media: Photographic print
Item 29384
Leeman's Buckboard at Higgins Beach, Scarborough, ca. 1880
Contributed by: Scarborough Historical Society & Museum Date: circa 1880 Location: Scarborough Media: Photographic print
Item 15177
1909 Corbin, photographed at Seal Cove Auto Museum, ca. 2005
Contributed by: Seal Cove Auto Museum Date: 1909 Location: Seal Cove Media: Metal and Rubber
Item 17843
Bangor and Aroostook Outfit Car Stove, ca. 1950
Contributed by: Oakfield Historical Society Date: circa 1950 Media: Photographic print
Item 18289
Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Crew Cars, Brownvville, ca. 1990
Contributed by: Oakfield Historical Society Date: circa 1990 Location: Brownville Media: Photographic print
Item 33522
Tin Bridge Wreck, Bangor, 1871
Contributed by: Bangor Public Library Date: 1871-08-10 Location: Bangor Media: Stereograph
Item 54439
Bangor and Aroostook Railroad excursions, 1952
Contributed by: Presque Isle Historical Society Date: circa 1952 Location: Presque Isle; Boston Media: MP3