Keywords: Steamships
- Historical Items (305)
- Tax Records (3)
- Architecture & Landscape (1)
- Online Exhibits (16)
- Site Pages (19)
- My Maine Stories (0)
- Lesson Plans (0)
Historical Items
These results include photographs, documents, letters, paintings, artifacts, and many other kinds of Maine related items from collections around the state and elsewhere.
Item 67522
Governor Bodwell Steamboat, Swan's Island, ca. 1920
Contributed by: Swan's Island Historical Society Date: circa 1920 Location: Swan's Island Media: Photographic print
Item 108645
Long view of Popham Beach, Phippsburg, ca. 1910
Contributed by: Penobscot Marine Museum Date: circa 1910 Location: Phippsburg Media: Glass Plate Negative
Item 98687
Passenger Steamer Islander II leaving Boothbay Harbor, ca. 1910
Contributed by: Boothbay Region Historical Society Date: circa 1910 Location: Boothbay Harbor; East Boothbay; Bath; Augusta Media: Glass Negative
Item 149912
Philip J. Teele and Jack Howard with a crew member on the deck of the S.S. "Cumberland," ca. 1900
Courtesy of John Howard, an individual partner Date: circa 1900 Media: Film negative
Item 27778
Steamship Gypsie, entering the Sowadabscook Stream, ca. 1895
Contributed by: Hampden Historical Society Date: circa 1895 Location: Hampden Media: Photographic print
Item 8084
State of Maine engineer's control station, 1882
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1882 Media: Albumen print
Item 14088
Barbour Boat Yard in Brewer, ca. 1902
Contributed by: Brewer Public Library Date: circa 1902 Location: Brewer Media: Photographic print
Item 23339
Steamer Bay State, Portland, 1895
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1895 Location: Portland Media: Photographic print
Item 149915
A view of Eastport from the S.S. "Cumberland," ca. 1900
Courtesy of John Howard, an individual partner Date: circa 1900 Location: Eastport; Campobello Island Media: Film negative
Item 15531
Eastern Steamship Co. Landing, Bangor, ca. 1903
Contributed by: Brewer Public Library Date: circa 1903 Location: Bangor Media: Postcard
Item 18933
Greetings From Bar Harbor, ca. 1900
Contributed by: Jesup Memorial Library Date: circa 1900 Location: Bar Harbor Media: Postcard
Item 10740
Indian Point, Lake Hebron, Monson, ca. 1900
Contributed by: Monson Historical Society Date: circa 1900 Location: Monson Media: Photographic print
Item 13278
Sidewheeler Tremont, Portland, ca. 1900
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1900 Location: Portland Media: Photographic print
Item 55339
Calvin Austin, Lubec, ca. 1912
Contributed by: Lubec Historical Society Date: circa 1912 Location: Lubec Media: Postcard
Item 21185
Steamer Samoset Breaking Ice at Sullivan Harbor, ca. 1890
Contributed by: Great Harbor Maritime Museum Date: circa 1890 Location: Sullivan Media: Postcard
Item 80359
Invoice for fishermen's gear, 1902
Contributed by: Havener family through Friendship Museum Date: 1902 Location: Friendship; Portland Media: Paper invoice
Item 6529
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1891 Location: Bath; Portland Media: Oil on canvas
Item 7645
'City of Stamford' steamboat, Portland, ca. 1907
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1907 Location: Portland Media: Photographic print
Item 79338
Friendship women on their way to meet "Mineola." ca. 1910
Contributed by: Friendship Museum Date: circa 1910 Location: Friendship Media: Glass Negative
Item 79349
Friendship steamer wharf, ca. 1915
Contributed by: Friendship Museum Date: circa 1915 Location: Friendship Media: Glass Negative
Item 79350
The "Monhegan" off Davis Point, ca. 1905
Contributed by: Friendship Museum Date: circa 1905 Location: Friendship Media: Glass Negative
Item 80426
Contributed by: Friendship Museum Date: circa 1925 Location: Friendship Media: Photographic print
Item 80429
"Mineola," Friendship, ca. 1915
Contributed by: Friendship Museum Date: circa 1915 Location: Friendship Media: Photographic print
Item 80430
Steamboat Landing, Friendship, 1908
Contributed by: Friendship Museum Date: 1908 Location: Friendship Media: Photographic print