Search Results

Keywords: Potato Farm

Historical Items

These results include photographs, documents, letters, paintings, artifacts, and many other kinds of Maine related items from collections around the state and elsewhere.

Item 14719

Carter's Special Brand potato bag, Presque Isle, ca. 1970

Contributed by: Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum Date: circa 1970 Location: Presque Isle Media: Paper

Item 12818

F.W. Osborne and Son farm, Fort Fairfield, ca. 1940

Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1940 Location: Fort Fairfield Media: Photographic print

Item 23386

King Farm, Presque Isle, ca. 1920

Contributed by: Presque Isle Historical Society Date: circa 1920 Location: Presque Isle Media: Photographic print

Item 12815

John C. Smith Farm, Easton, ca. 1930

Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1930 Location: Easton Media: Photographic print

Item 12095

Seed potato display, Houlton, 1912

Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: 1912 Location: Houlton Media: Photographic print

Item 13130

Harvesting Potatoes by hand, Aroostook County, ca. 1900

Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1900 Location: Houlton Media: Glass Negative

Item 13235

Hoeing potato field, Caribou, ca. 1930, ca. 1930

Contributed by: Caribou Public Library Date: circa 1930 Location: Caribou Media: Photographic print

Item 12816

Ludger Berube Farm, Caswell, ca. 1930

Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1930 Location: Caswell Media: Photographic print

Item 14734

Penny-wise Brand potato bag, Presque Isle, ca. 1970

Contributed by: Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum Date: circa 1970 Location: Presque Isle Media: Paper

Item 14994

Lighthouse Brand potato bag, Presque Isle, ca. 1970

Contributed by: Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum Date: circa 1970 Location: Presque Isle Media: Paper

Item 22756

Milton Smith farm, Mapleton, ca. 1930

Contributed by: Haystack Historical Society Date: circa 1930 Location: Mapleton Media: Photographic print

Item 16075

Stag brand potato bag, Mars Hill, ca. 1965

Contributed by: Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum Date: circa 1965 Location: Mars Hill Media: Paper

Item 12954

Potato Basket, Littleton, ca. 1940

Contributed by: Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum Date: circa 1940 Location: Littleton Media: Ash splints

Item 16051

L W G Brand potato bag, Houlton, ca. 1960

Contributed by: Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum Date: circa 1960 Location: Houlton Media: Paper

Item 16043

Blue Jay Brand potato bag, Mars Hill, ca. 1970

Contributed by: Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum Date: circa 1970 Location: Mars Hill Media: Paper

Item 16013

Bell Farms, Lewiston, ca. 1970

Contributed by: Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum Date: circa 1970 Location: Lewiston; Auburn Media: Paper

Item 12824

Fred Urquhart Farm, Presque Isle, ca. 1930

Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1930 Location: Presque Isle Media: Photographic print

Item 17854

Myron Gartley Farm, Presque Isle, 1976

Contributed by: Presque Isle Historical Society Date: 1976 Location: Presque Isle Media: Photographic print

Item 20373

Frank Lester Pettengill, Freeport, ca. 1920

Contributed by: Freeport Historical Society Date: circa 1920 Location: Freeport Media: Photographic print

Item 12768

Alphie Daigle farm, New Canada, ca. 1930

Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1930 Location: New Canada Media: Photographic print

Item 15009

Tater State Brand potato bag, Presque Isle, ca. 1960

Contributed by: Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum Date: circa 1960 Location: Presque Isle Media: Paper

Item 22309

Spraying potatoes, Perham, ca. 1922

Contributed by: Nylander Museum Date: circa 1922 Location: Perham Media: Photographic print

Item 14739

Stag Brand potato bag, Mars Hill, ca. 1970

Contributed by: Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum Date: circa 1970 Location: Mars Hill Media: PAPER

Item 14631

More Pack Brand potato bag, Houlton, ca. 1960

Contributed by: Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum Date: circa 1960 Location: Houlton Media: Paper