Search Results

Keywords: Steamships

Historical Items

These results include photographs, documents, letters, paintings, artifacts, and many other kinds of Maine related items from collections around the state and elsewhere.

Item 80431

Making the landing through ice, ca. 1915

Contributed by: Friendship Museum Date: circa 1915 Location: Friendship Media: Photographic print

Item 80434

Through the ice-bound harbor, 1913

Contributed by: Friendship Museum Date: 1913 Location: Friendship Media: Photographic print

Item 80435

Steamer "Monhegan," 1915

Contributed by: Friendship Museum Date: 1915 Media: Glass Negative

Item 27751

Wharf of the Boston and Bangor Steamship Company, Hampden, 1916

Contributed by: Hampden Historical Society Date: 1916 Location: Hampden Media: Photographic print

Item 29098

Steamer and train, Sebago Lake, ca. 1900

Contributed by: Maine State Museum Date: circa 1900 Location: Sebago Lake Media: Glass Negative

Item 79994

Steamboat "Katahdin" and Greenville High School Alumni, ca. 1935

Contributed by: Moosehead Historical Society Date: circa 1935 Location: Greenville Media: Photographic print

Item 102335

Final preparations for Paris Convention, Waterville, 1927

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1927-08-11 Location: Waterville Media: Ink on paper

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Item 13243

Isabella Fogg, ca. 1860

Contributed by: Maine State Archives Date: circa 1860 Location: Washington Media: Photographic print

Item 28598

Site of future Bath City Hall, ca. 1896

Contributed by: Private Collection through Patten Free Library Date: circa 1896 Location: Bath Media: Photographic print

Item 102334

James Boyle writes to Joseph Murray regarding Paris Convention, Waterville, 1927

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 1927-05-14 Location: Waterville; Portland Media: Ink on paper

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Item 8075

Steamer "Charles W. Parker Jr.," Portland, ca. 1909

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1880 Location: Portland Media: Photoprint

Item 8402

Tow boat La Tosca, Penobscot River, ca. 1900

Contributed by: Patten Lumbermen's Museum Date: circa 1900 Media: Photographic print

Item 8479

F.W. Ayer steamboat, ca. 1900

Contributed by: Patten Lumbermen's Museum Date: circa 1900 Media: Photographic print

Item 16383

The Steam Ship Horatio Hall, ca. 1905

Contributed by: Stanley Museum Date: circa 1905 Location: Portland Media: Photographic print

Item 19095

Steamer Moosehead, ca. 1911

Contributed by: Jesup Memorial Library Date: circa 1911 Location: Bar Harbor Media: Postcard

Item 79993

Steamboat Louisa, Moosehead Lake, ca. 1900

Contributed by: Moosehead Historical Society Date: circa 1900 Location: Greenville Media: Photographic print

Item 81127

Side-wheeler Scow "Owl," Moosehead Lake, ca. 1900

Contributed by: Moosehead Historical Society Date: circa 1900 Location: Greenville Media: Photographic print

Item 82324

Twilight I Steamboat, Moosehead Lake, ca. 1888

Contributed by: Moosehead Historical Society Date: circa 1888 Location: Greenville Media: Photographic print

Item 83294

Steamboat 'Merryconeag', ca. 1900

Contributed by: Boothbay Region Historical Society Date: circa 1900 Location: Boothbay Harbor Media: Photographic print

Item 92245

Steamboats Wiwurna, Nahanada, Samoset, and Winter Harbor in Boothbay Harbor, 1890

Contributed by: Boothbay Region Historical Society Date: 1890 Location: Boothbay Harbor Media: Photographic print

Item 101715

Steamboat "F.W. Ayer," Norcross wharf, ca. 1907

Contributed by: Norcross Heritage Trust Date: circa 1907 Location: Indian Purchase Township No. 3 Media: Photographic print

Item 101723

Steamboat "West Branch No. 3," Lower Lakes, West Branch Penobscot River, ca. 1945

Contributed by: Norcross Heritage Trust Date: circa 1945 Location: Indian Purchase Township No. 3 Media: Photographic print

Item 12990

Elizabeth City, Portland Company, ca. 1894

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1894 Location: Portland; Bath Media: Photographic print

Item 1011

Songo Lock, Naples, ca. 1912

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: circa 1912 Location: Naples Media: Photographic print