Keywords: Oral histories
- Historical Items (30)
- Tax Records (0)
- Architecture & Landscape (0)
- Online Exhibits (17)
- Site Pages (18)
- My Maine Stories (3)
- Lesson Plans (3)
Historical Items
These results include photographs, documents, letters, paintings, artifacts, and many other kinds of Maine related items from collections around the state and elsewhere.
Item 54439
Bangor and Aroostook Railroad excursions, 1952
Contributed by: Presque Isle Historical Society Date: circa 1952 Location: Presque Isle; Boston Media: MP3
Item 54441
Building changes on the corner of Main and State, Presque Isle, since 1940
Contributed by: Presque Isle Historical Society Date: 1940–2000 Location: Presque Isle Media: MP3
Item 23187
Miriam Monroe recollections of Edward K. Whitney, ca. 1850
Contributed by: Western Maine Cultural Alliance Date: circa 1850 Location: Norway; Paris Media: MP3
Item 101075
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum Date: 1864 Location: Bangor Media: Ink on paper
Item 63064
Mike Holmes describes Fourth of July on Swan's Island during the 1950s
Contributed by: Swan's Island Historical Society Date: circa 1950 Location: Swan's Island Media: Mp3
Item 63066
Kevin Staples describes the Swan's Island softball team, ca. 1978
Contributed by: Swan's Island Historical Society Date: circa 1978 Location: Swan's Island Media: Mp3
Item 54443
The Army Air Force beginnings in Presque Isle, ca. 1943
Contributed by: Presque Isle Historical Society Date: circa 1943 Location: Presque Isle Media: MP3
Item 23186
Richard Box recollection of Christmas in North Africa, 1943
Contributed by: Western Maine Cultural Alliance Date: 1943 Media: MP3
Item 61859
Myron 'Sonny' Sprague talks about the family store, Swan's Island, 1957-1974
Contributed by: Swan's Island Historical Society Date: 1957–1974 Location: Swan's Island Media: Mp3
Item 63069
Myron 'Sonny' Sprague remembers Clyde Torrey, Swan's Island, 2010
Contributed by: Swan's Island Historical Society Date: 1960–1970 Location: Swan's Island Media: Mp3
Item 104988
James E. Francis kapahse (sturgeon) drum, Indian Island, 2019
Contributed by: Maine Historical Society Date: 2019 Location: Indian Island Media: Leather, acrylic
Item 61878
Gwen May remembers working the Swan's Island telephone switchboard in the 1960s
Contributed by: Swan's Island Historical Society Date: circa 1960 Location: Swan's Island Media: Mp3
Item 63065
Swan's Islanders recount their Island childhoods, 1930-1960
Contributed by: Swan's Island Historical Society Date: 1930–1960 Location: Swan's Island Media: Mp3
Item 63068
Marion Stinson band memories, Swan's Island, ca. 1940
Contributed by: Swan's Island Historical Society Date: circa 1940 Location: Swan's Island Media: Mp3
Item 54440
Name changes for a Presque Isle Bank, 1940 - 2000
Contributed by: Presque Isle Historical Society Date: 1940–2000 Location: Presque Isle Media: MP3
Item 61846
Marion Stinson, 'Jill of All Trades,' Swan's Island, ca. 1945
Contributed by: Swan's Island Historical Society Date: circa 1945 Location: Swan's Island Media: Mp3
Item 61851
Theo Buswell May talks about farm life, Swan's Island, ca. 1940
Contributed by: Swan's Island Historical Society Date: circa 1940 Location: Swan's Island Media: Mp3
Item 61854
Albert Buswell telling about sheep shearing on Swan's Island, ca. 1940
Contributed by: Swan's Island Historical Society Date: 1940–1949 Location: Swan's Island Media: Mp3
Item 61876
Spencer Joyce describes lobstering, Swan's Island, 1967-2010
Contributed by: Swan's Island Historical Society Date: 1967–2010 Location: Swan's Island Media: Mp3
Item 63063
Marguerite Staples on "Ice cream socials," Swan's Island, ca. 1930
Contributed by: Swan's Island Historical Society Date: circa 1930 Location: Swan's Island Media: Mp3
Item 23188
Re-enactment of Oxford County Finnish settlement, 1898
Contributed by: Western Maine Cultural Alliance Date: 1898 Location: South Paris Media: MP3
Item 19007
Making butter, Littleton, ca. 1935
Contributed by: Southern Aroostook Agricultural Museum Date: circa 1935 Location: Littleton; Houlton Media: MP3
Item 19024
Bread-making recollection, Monticello, ca. 1930
Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1930 Location: Monticello Media: MP3
Item 19029
Depression era bartering recollection, Aroostook County, ca. 1932
Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1932 Location: Monticello Media: MP3