Search Results

Keywords: bootleggers

Historical Items

These results include photographs, documents, letters, paintings, artifacts, and many other kinds of Maine related items from collections around the state and elsewhere.

Item 20723

Ku Klux Klan, Hodgdon, ca. 1924

Contributed by: Aroostook County Historical and Art Museum Date: circa 1924 Location: Hodgdon Media: Photographic print

Item 135767

Suspected Rum Runner Dixie III, Portland, 1927

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media Date: circa 1927 Location: Portland Media: Glass Negative

Item 149668

United States Assistant Attorney General Willebrandt, Cape Elizabeth, 1925

Contributed by: Maine Historical Society/MaineToday Media Date: 1925 Location: Cape Elizabeth Media: Glass Negative