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Keywords: Wadsworth, Peleg

Online Exhibits

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Lock of George Washington's Hair

Correspondence between Elizabeth Wadsworth, her father Peleg Wadsworth and Martha Washington's secretary about the gift of a lock of George Washington's hair to Eliza.


Home: The Longfellow House & the Emergence of Portland

The Wadsworth-Longfellow house is the oldest building on the Portland peninsula, the first historic site in Maine, a National Historic Landmark, home to three generations of Wadsworth and Longfellow family members -- including the boyhood home of the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The history of the house and its inhabitants provide a unique view of the growth and changes of Portland -- as well as of the immediate surroundings of the home.


Longfellow: The Man Who Invented America

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was a man and a poet of New England conscience. He was influenced by his ancestry and his Portland boyhood home and experience.


Drawing Together: Art of the Longfellows

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is best know as a poet, but he also was accomplished in drawing and music. He shared his love of drawing with most of his siblings. They all shared the frequent activity of drawing and painting with their children. The extended family included many professional as well as amateur artists, and several architects.


Prisoners of War

Mainers have been held prisoners in conflicts fought on Maine and American soil and in those fought overseas. In addition, enemy prisoners from several wars have been brought to Maine soil for the duration of the war.


Northern Threads: Mourning Fashions

A themed exhibit vignette within "Northern Threads Part I," featuring 18th and 19th century mourning jewelry and fashions.


Home: The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland - People of the Wadsworth-Longfellow House

"… the house – the family of Elizabeth Bartlett and Peleg Wadsworth who lived here between 1785 and 1807, and the family of Zilpah Wadsworth and…"


Home: The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland - The Wadsworth Era: 1786-1807

"She and Peleg had 11 children: Charles, Zilpah, Elizabeth (Eliza), John, Lucia, Henry (Harry), George, Alexander, Samuel, and Peleg Jr."


Home: The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland - The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland

"… House Nearly HiddenMaine Historical Society When Peleg Wadsworth built his house in 1785, what is now Congress Street in Portland was on the rural…"


Home: The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland - Streetscape, 1790-1930

"To the right is the brick house Peleg Wadsworth built in 1785-1786. It is two stories with a gable roof and has double chimneys at each end."


Home: The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland - Researching Your Home

"… Your Home Every House has a History Peleg Wadsworth deed of land to Stephen Longfellow, Portland, 1827Maine Historical Society Every…"


Home: The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland - The House, 1786-1960

"… Wadsworth Longfellow to his parents, 1826 When Peleg and Elizabeth Bartlett Wadsworth built their brick home on Back Street in Portland in…"


Home: The Wadsworth-Longfellow House and Portland - The Longfellow Era: 1807-1901

"… Stephen, rented the house from her father, Peleg Wadsworth, beginning in 1807 until Peleg’s death in 1829."


Northern Threads: Civil War-era clothing

An exhibit vignette within "Northern Threads, Part 1," featuring American Civil War civilian and military clothing, 1860 to 1869.


Dressing Up, Standing Out, Fitting In

Adorning oneself to look one's "best" has varied over time, gender, economic class, and by event. Adornments suggest one's sense of identity and one's intent to stand out or fit in.


South Portland's Wartime Shipbuilding

Two shipyards in South Portland, built quickly in 1941 to construct cargo ships for the British and Americans, produced nearly 270 ships in two and a half years. Many of those vessels bore the names of notable Mainers.


MHS in Pictures: exploring our first 200 years

Two years after separating from Massachusetts, Maine leaders—many who were part of the push for statehood—also separated from Massachusetts Historical Society, creating the Maine Historical Society in 1822. The legislation signed on February 5, 1822 positioned MHS as the third-oldest state dedicated historical organization in the nation. The exhibition features MHS's five locations over the institution's two centuries, alongside images of leaders who have steered the organization through pivotal times.


A City Awakes: Arts and Artisans of Early 19th Century Portland

Portland's growth from 1786 to 1860 spawned a unique social and cultural environment and fostered artistic opportunity and creative expression in a broad range of the arts, which flowered with the increasing wealth and opportunity in the city.


Amazing! Maine Stories

These stories -- that stretch from 1999 back to 1759 -- take you from an amusement park to the halls of Congress. There are inventors, artists, showmen, a railway agent, a man whose civic endeavors helped shape Portland, a man devoted to the pursuit of peace and one known for his military exploits, Maine's first novelist, a woman who recorded everyday life in detail, and an Indian who survived a British attack.


State of Mind: Becoming Maine

The history of the region now known as Maine did not begin at statehood in 1820. What was Maine before it was a state? How did Maine separate from Massachusetts? How has the Maine we experience today been shaped by thousands of years of history?