Keywords: French-Canadian churches
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Online Exhibits
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From French Canadians to Franco-Americans
French Canadians who emigrated to the Lewiston-Auburn area faced discrimination as children and adults -- such as living in "Little Canada" tenements and being ridiculed for speaking French -- but also adapted to their new lives and sustained many cultural traditions.
St-Jean-Baptiste Day -- June 24th -- in Lewiston-Auburn was a very public display of ethnic pride for nearly a century. Since about 1830, French Canadians had used St. John the Baptist's birthdate as a demonstration of French-Canadian nationalism.
Like many cities in France, Lewiston and Auburn's skylines are dominated by a cathedral-like structure, St. Peter and Paul Church. Now designated a basilica by the Vatican, it stands as a symbol of French Catholic contributions to the State of Maine.
In the early 1600s, French explorers and colonizers in the New World quickly adopted a Native American mode of transportation to get around during the harsh winter months: the snowshoe. Most Northern societies had some form of snowshoe, but the Native Americans turned it into a highly functional item. French settlers named snowshoes "raquettes" because they resembled the tennis racket then in use.
Music in Maine - Radio Cowboys and Country Music
"… musical influences from the British Isles and French Canadians to tell story-songs about life. Slim Andrews, Gini Huntington and Barry Deane…"
Dressing Up, Standing Out, Fitting In
Adorning oneself to look one's "best" has varied over time, gender, economic class, and by event. Adornments suggest one's sense of identity and one's intent to stand out or fit in.
Music in Maine - Community Music
"… designated me a Master Artist in traditional French Canadian dance, providing the chance to pass the French dance traditions down to numerous…"
Music in Maine - Community and School Marching Bands
"… Côté, a professional recording musician and church choir director from Lewiston wrote the Sainte-Cécile March and Two Step for The Fanfare (Band)…"
"… was “over 100 years old” and played in the first church built in Standish, likely the First Parish Meeting House, also called Old Red Church, built…"
"… song, 1858, To give practical instructions on Church-music, in order to aid the Native Americans to sing the praises of the Lord…but also to…"
Music in Maine - Music in Maine
"Music in Maine Click to enter a 3-D tour of Music in Maine, installed at Maine Historical Society in 2024."
Music in Maine - Longfellow Family Music
"Longfellow Family Music “Music is the universal language of humankind.” --Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Outre Mer, 1835 Henry Wadsworth…"
Music in Maine - Country Music
"Country Music Don Doane Katahdin Mountaineers, 1925 Courtesy of Bob Greene X Don Doane Sr.’s Katahdin Mountaineers, regarded as the first…"
Music in Maine - Military Marching Bands
"Military Marching Bands View of Portland Light Infantry Muster, ca. 1803 The Portland Light Infantry Muster with a drummer and a horn player in…"
Music in Maine - Rock and Roll, Punk, and Elvis
"Rock and Roll, Punk, and Elvis Dave Glovsky and Louis Armstrong, Old Orchard Beach, ca. 1955Maine Historical Society Rock and Roll Concerts in…"
"HEAR The invention of recording machines opened up a world of choices for listening to music without leaving the home."
"Music Makers Music Makers instruments Click to see more Music Makers Music makers in Maine make instruments, create music in their…"
Music in Maine - Music and Television
"Music and Television The Dave Astor Show Click to see more Dave Astor Show photos Dave Astor (1919-2011) produced a variety show in Portland…"
Music in Maine - Music Education
"Music Education Children's Music Click to see more Children's Music Child development educators agree music ignites the skills children need…"
Music in Maine - Opera, Orchestras and Stages
"Opera, Orchestras and Stages Click to learn more about Maine's Opera Houses Many Maine towns in the 19th and early 20th centuries had an…"
"PLAY Watching musicians sing and play music in public is an important communal experience for the performer and the audience."
Music in Maine - Bluegrass Music
"Bluegrass Music BLUEGRASS MUSIC ASSOCIATION OF MAINE Click to learn more about BMAM Bluegrass music—acoustic music played on banjo, mandolin…"
"Music stores Mary Curran Leighton and musicians, Portland, ca. 1930Maine Historical Society Hiram Chase & Son, Belfast, ca. 1895, ca."
Music in Maine - B-flat fife, ca. 1860
"B-flat fife, ca. 1860 Contributed by Maine Historical Society Description This fife was used by John Robbins when he was a drummer in the…"