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Keywords: 1929

My Maine Stories

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Alice Bertrand shares highlights from her 100+ years
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

What is it like to live through all the events that have occurred in the past 100+ years?


Bob "Coach" Cote: Highlights from life of a Biddeford legend
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

Bob talks about growing up in Biddeford, sports, the fire of 1947, and closing of St. Louis High.


Rachel Tourigny: Richness of growing up in a big, "poor" family
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

A most vivid and heartwarming account of life during a simpler time


Ted Truman (Throumoulos): A treasure trove of stories
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

A son of Greek immigrants’ insight into his entrepreneurial family, culture and life experiences


Lionel "Toots" Bouthot: A life filled with music
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

From the age of 5, a lifetime of contributing to the musical fabric of Biddeford.


In an Old, Abandoned Island House, I Found my Mentor and my Muse
by Robin Clifford Wood

An aspiring writer finds inspiration and a mentor from the past in an old island home.