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Keywords: Championships

My Maine Stories

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Mark Plummer, golfer from Maine
by Mark Plummer

Amateur golfer from Maine, Mark Plummer discussed his golf career and life lessons


My Years of Coaching and Lessons Learned
by Bob Brown

How growing up and coaching in Maine, and around the world, made me who I am today.


Coaching in Maine and how to become a good coach
by University of New England

Dr. John Winkin speaks at sports medicine lecture, introduced by Dr. Doug Brown


Come back to Maine, I did!
by Dan Bolduc

Reflections and the value of Maine from a former pro hockey player from Waterville


Bob "Coach" Cote: Highlights from life of a Biddeford legend
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

Bob talks about growing up in Biddeford, sports, the fire of 1947, and closing of St. Louis High.


From Pee Wee to Pro The Maine Way
by Danny Bolduc

I am the very first person from Maine to have played hockey in the Olympics and in the NHL.


by Brian Daly

I wrote a musical comedy about Lewiston hosting the Ali-Liston title fight in 1965.


Ron Cote - Lessons from a star athlete and legendary coach
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center Voices of Biddeford project

A local sports legend's life and how he applied his passion to help others pursue their own dreams.


History of Forest Gardens
by Gary Libby

This is a history of one of Portland's oldest local bars