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My Maine Stories

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It was like a family in the mill
by Arnold R. Couture

I saw a lot of changes at the International Paper Otis Mill during my 26 years as an electrician


John Coyne from Waterville Enlists as a Railroad Man in WWI
by Mary D. Coyne

Description of conditions railroad men endured and family background on John Coyne.


A Note from a Maine-American
by William Dow Turner

With 7 generations before statehood, and 5 generations since, Maine DNA carries on.


Co-founding Halcyon Yarn and learning to weave
by Hector Jaeger

Moving to Maine, Halcyon Yarn, and rediscovering the joy of weaving


Monument Square 1967
by C. Michael Lewis

The background story and research behind a commissioned painting of Monument Square.


A Maine Family's story of being Prisoners of War in Manila
by Nicki Griffin

As a child, born after the war, I would hear these stories - glad they were finally written down