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Keywords: Hunter

My Maine Stories

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Sarah Jane Poli: Biddeford’s first female school superintendent
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

An Italian immigrant's daughter is key to a family grocery store and a leader in the school system


Epidemic of violence against Indigenous people
by Michael-Corey F. Hinton

Systemic racism, murder, and the danger of stereotypes


Minik Wallace 1891-1918
by Genevieve LeMoine, The Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum

The life of Minik, an Inuit person from Greenland who grew up in New York City.


My career as a wildlife biologist
by Ron Joseph

Rural Maine provided the foundation of a rewarding career as a wildlife biologist.


Florence Ahlquist Link's WWII service in the WAVES
by Earlene Ahlquist Chadbourne

Florence Ahlquist, age 20, was trained to repair the new aeronautical cameras by the US Navy in WWII


Norcross Deer Hunting
by Albert Fowler

How hunting has impacted my life


Margaret Moxa's Blanket Coat
by Jennifer Neptune

A contemporary artwork in memory of Penobscots murdered for scalp bounties.