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Keywords: Indian Island

My Maine Stories

Your results include these online stories. You also can view all of the site's stories. View all stories


Why environmental advocacy is critical for making baskets
by Jennifer Sapiel Neptune

My advocacy work for the Maine Indian Basketmakers Alliance


Restoring the Penobscot River
by John Banks

My role as the Director of the Department of Natural Resources for the Penobscot Indian Nation


Masters and apprentices
by Theresa Secord

Wabanaki basket makers learn to weave by apprenticing with master artists.


Princess Watahwaso
by Jason Pardilla (Penobscot)

A story about Lucy Nicolar Poolaw (1882-1869)


Wikpiyik: The Basket Tree
by Darren Ranco

Countering the Emerald Ash Borer with Wabanaki Ecological Knowledge


Decontie and Brown's venture in high fashion design
by Decontie and Brown

Penobscot haute couture designs from Bangor


Wabanaki Fashion
by Decontie & Brown

Keeping the spirit and memories of our ancestors alive through fashion and creativity


Quinton "Skip" Wilson: different aspects of "standing out"
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

Recollections of life as Biddeford's only student of color during the 1960-70s


Powwow Music
by Chris Sockalexis

Playing powwow music with my group, the RezDogs


Reverend Thomas Smith of First Parish Portland
by Kristina Minister, Ph.D.

Pastor, Physician, Real Estate Speculator, and Agent for Wabanaki Genocide


A Note from a Maine-American
by William Dow Turner

With 7 generations before statehood, and 5 generations since, Maine DNA carries on.


Pandemic ruminations and the death of Rose Cleveland
by Tilly Laskey

Correlations between the 1918 and 2020 Pandemics