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Keywords: Portland Society of Natural History

My Maine Stories

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From Naturalists to Environmentalists
by Andy Beahm

The beginnings of Maine Audubon in the Portland Society of Natural History


Ivory-billed Woodpeckers
by Doug Hitchcox, Staff Naturalist at Maine Audubon

The Ivory-billed Woodpecker in the Portland Society of Natural History Collections


Lifelong Lepidopterist
by E. Christopher Livesay

Chris Livesay collects and studies butterflies.


An enjoyable conference, Portland 2021
by John C. Decker, Danville, Pennsylvania

Some snippets from a 4-day conference by transportation historians in Portland, September 7-11, 2021


Warming Oceans
by David Reidmiller, Gulf of Maine Research Institute

The rate of warming in the Gulf of Maine is faster than that of more than 95% of the world’s oceans