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Keywords: Remedies

My Maine Stories

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Mali Agat (Molly Ockett) the famous Wabanaki "Doctress"
by Maine Historical Society

Pigwacket Molly Ockett, healing, and cultural ecological knowledge


Appreciation sign for essential health care workers
by Henry J Gartley

A neighbor expresses their appreciation for the workers at a local nursing home.


Hooch Mum and my Vietnam service
by Jim Barrows

A poem about being a medic, saving Vietnamese people and babies. Sometimes we trusted too much.


Maine in Vietnam - Not to be Forgotten
by Karen L. Olson, M.D.

How Veterans' Voices started.


Cantor Beth & Dr David Strassler: personal insights on life
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

The journey of a couple devoted to each other, their family, their community and their religion


Vegetarians and Zoonosis
by Avery Yale Kamila

Colds, influenza, tuberculosis, measles, smallpox, plague and COVID-19 group under zoonotic diseases