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Keywords: Small businesses

My Maine Stories

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Michael Reilly: preserving an iconic family business
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

The story behind Reilly's Bakery, at the heart of Biddeford’s Main Street for 100+ years


A Lifelong Romance with Retail
by George A Smith

Maine's once plentiful small retail stores.


Norman Sevigny: history of a neighborhood grocery store
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

Growing up in a Franco-American community and working in the family business, Sevigny’s Market


Senator Susan Deschambault: not afraid to take on challenges
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center Voices of Biddeford project

Honoring her family's small business roots and community service through her own unconventional path


Tammy Ackerman: Falling in love with Biddeford
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

Someone "from away" who fell in love with Biddeford and contributed to its transformation


Sarah Jane Poli: Biddeford’s first female school superintendent
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

An Italian immigrant's daughter is key to a family grocery store and a leader in the school system


Elizabeth Mantis Spiliopoulos: passion for life & Greek heritage
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

A spunky 99-year-old shares her crystal-clear recollections of all the changes in her lifetime


Spiros Droggitis: From Biddeford to Washington DC and back
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

A Greek family's impact: from the iconic Wonderbar Restaurant to Washington DC


The man who dedicated 52 years to Biddeford's iconic Alex Pizza
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

A work ethic learned from his parents and passion for the employees and customers of Alex Pizza.


Cantor Beth & Dr David Strassler: personal insights on life
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

The journey of a couple devoted to each other, their family, their community and their religion


Harold's Garage, Rome Hollow, Maine
by Mimi C

Story about Harold Hawes, owner of Harold's garage and self-styled auctioneer in Rome Hollow, Maine


History of Forest Gardens
by Gary Libby

This is a history of one of Portland's oldest local bars


Sam Smithwick:From Southern rock star to local community builder
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center Voices of Biddeford project

Sam found his home in Maine and dedicates his talents to the growth of our evolving community.


Charles "Chuck" Tsomides: devoted to family and local sports
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

A life influenced by Greek ancestry, love of music and appreciation for local community sports


Dan Gagne: The story behind Biddeford’s legendary speed skater
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

Stories from a competitive athlete with countless awards and contributions to his community


Annette Addorio: 100+ years of memories from full life
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

From 1914 to 2018, highlights from my life in Biddeford


Being an NP during social unrest
by Jacqueline P. Fournier

A snapshot of Mainers in a medical crisis of the time/Human experience in Maine.


Bert Gagne-from star athlete to community barber
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center Voices of Biddeford project

Bert’s personal account of his lifelong non-stop approach including his 60+ years as a barber.


We Are An Ordinary Family
by Catherine

Maine's abolitionists offer an answer to my questions about my family's experiences.


making light
by David Johansen

My relationship with Maine and how and why I make neon lights here.


Catching live bait with Grandfather
by Randy Randall

We never bought live bait for fishing. Grandfather caught all the minnows and shiners we needed.


How I broke the mold for women to serve in the military
by Mary D. McGuirk

My life and career as a USAF Nurse


The Cup Code (working at OOB in the 1960s)
by Randy Randall

Teenagers cooking fried food in OOB and the code used identify the product and quantity.


The Wall
by Michael Uhl

What it means to have beaten the odds