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Keywords: arts and crafts

My Maine Stories

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Rug Hooking Project with a Story
by Marilyn Weymouth Seguin

My grandmother taught me the Maine craft of rug hooking when I was a child.


My artwork help process memories of Vietnam
by Brian Barry

My Eagle drawing won first place in the Togus Arts and Crafts show, third in the Nationals.


21st and 19th century technology and freelance photography
by Brendan Bullock

My work is a mash-up of cutting edge technology and 19th century chemistry techniques.


Co-founding Halcyon Yarn and learning to weave
by Hector Jaeger

Moving to Maine, Halcyon Yarn, and rediscovering the joy of weaving


History of Forest Gardens
by Gary Libby

This is a history of one of Portland's oldest local bars