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My Maine Stories
Your results include these online stories. You also can view all of the site's stories. View all stories
Service in Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan by MAJ Adam R. Cote
by Adam R. Cote
Military Service has had a deep impact my life
Black Is Beautiful
by Judi Jones
Gut-wrenching fear
C19 on Pine Point Beach
by Beth, Scarborough
Cancer patient experience during pandemic
Peace in Maine
by Rebekah Tower
My story is about my family vacations to Maine when I was growing up.
Portland in the 1940s
by Carol Norton Hall
As a young woman in Portland during WWII, the presence of servicemen was life changing.
We will remember
by Sam Kelley
My service in the Vietnam War
Elizabeth Mantis Spiliopoulos: passion for life & Greek heritage
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center
A spunky 99-year-old shares her crystal-clear recollections of all the changes in her lifetime
In 1970 I served in Vietnam, and sent my parents a package
by Peter P. Joyce Jr.
My Parents' war story
Maine Eye & Ear Infirmary Birth
by Anonymous
My birth at the Portland Eye & Ear Infirmary/ Children's Hospital in 1951
Mémère’s Notebook
by Robert Sylvain
My Mémère’s Notebook of old Acadian Folksongs
My family and Malaga Island
by Charmagne Tripp
The state of Maine evicted all residents of Malaga Island in 1912.
Orphanage on Revere Street
by anonymous
An orphanage operated by a Mrs. Oliver on 54 Revere Street in Portland, Maine in 1930.
Wabanaki-Greenland connections
by Jennifer Sapiel Neptune
Exploring cultural resiliency in this time of rapidly changing climate.
Pandemic ruminations and the death of Rose Cleveland
by Tilly Laskey
Correlations between the 1918 and 2020 Pandemics
A Note from a Maine-American
by William Dow Turner
With 7 generations before statehood, and 5 generations since, Maine DNA carries on.
Childhood Memories of Learning to Swim on Rangeley Lake
by Betty C.
Betty's two older sisters taught her how to swim on Rangeley Lake.
My artwork help process memories of Vietnam
by Brian Barry
My Eagle drawing won first place in the Togus Arts and Crafts show, third in the Nationals.
The Joys of Kayaking - Pam's Story
by Pam Ferris-Olson
Pam has kayaked in many special places but her fondest memories are being made on Casco Bay
Catching live bait with Grandfather
by Randy Randall
We never bought live bait for fishing. Grandfather caught all the minnows and shiners we needed.
Cleaning Fish or How Grandfather and Grandmother got by
by Randy Randall
Grandfather and Grandmother subsisted on the fish Grandfather caught, not always legally.
A Maine Family's story of being Prisoners of War in Manila
by Nicki Griffin
As a child, born after the war, I would hear these stories - glad they were finally written down
If You Knew My Story
by Anonymous (Maine State Prison)
A story about incarceration in Maine
The Wall
by Michael Uhl
What it means to have beaten the odds
Epidemic of violence against Indigenous people
by Michael-Corey F. Hinton
Systemic racism, murder, and the danger of stereotypes