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Keywords: martin

My Maine Stories

Your results include these online stories. You also can view all of the site's stories. View all stories


Bunkers and Lodges
by Bob Martin & Emily Holdtman Martin

Growing up in Maine, summering in Maine, and how it's changed.


Norman Sevigny: history of a neighborhood grocery store
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

Growing up in a Franco-American community and working in the family business, Sevigny’s Market


Sister Viola Lausier: Finance Director with a big heart
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

A life dedicated to applying financial and leadership expertise in the service of others.


My career as a wildlife biologist
by Ron Joseph

Rural Maine provided the foundation of a rewarding career as a wildlife biologist.


Elizabeth Mantis Spiliopoulos: passion for life & Greek heritage
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

A spunky 99-year-old shares her crystal-clear recollections of all the changes in her lifetime


Ted Truman (Throumoulos): A treasure trove of stories
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

A son of Greek immigrants’ insight into his entrepreneurial family, culture and life experiences


Cantor Beth & Dr David Strassler: personal insights on life
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

The journey of a couple devoted to each other, their family, their community and their religion


USCG Boot Camp Experience, Vietnam War era
by Peter S. Morgan, Jr.

"Letters to the Wall" Memorial Day


Aurore Morin & Huguette Paquette: immigrating to Biddeford
by Biddeford Cultural & Heritage Center

The experience of a young mother and her teenage sister making the transition from Quebec to Maine.


How the first chapter Veterans for Peace was founded in Maine
by Doug Rawlings

Veterans for Peace was founded in Maine and is now an international movement


History of Forest Gardens
by Gary Libby

This is a history of one of Portland's oldest local bars