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Keywords: science education

My Maine Stories

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Anne Macdonald - Middle School Science
by MLTI Stories of Impact Project

Anne Macdonald on the impact of the MLTI providing ubiquitous access to real time science data.


Damian Bebell - Education Researcher
by MLTI Stories of Impact Project

Education innovations benefit from thoughtful reflection by everyone involved.


Duke Albanese - Maine Commissioner of Education (1996-2003)
by MLTI Stories of Impact Project

As Maine Commissioner of Education Duke Albanese kept the MLTI focused on learning.


My education and work at THE Mercy
by Judy Harmon

Judy Harmon discussed X-Ray School, changing technology, and her 1960s jeep


Debbie Jamieson - Initial research re: MLTI impact
by MLTI Stories of Impact Project

Debbie Jamieson recounts how an education researcher impacted her and her classroom.


Jenifer Van Deusen - SEED's Head Gardener
by MLTI Stories of Impact Project

Jenifer on SEED and how it helped prepare Maine for the MLTI.


Nursing at Mercy Hospital during WWII
by Roberta Loring

Education and nursing at Mercy Hospital during World War II.


Vincent Vanier - Technology Coordinator in Madawaska, ME
by MLTI Stories of Impact Project

Vincent Vanier describes what worked well in the initial MLTI laptop training model.


Ann Luginbuhl - One-to-one in a small rural school
by MLTI Stories of Impact Project

Ann Luginbuhl describes the arrival of one-to-one in a K-8 school of 30 students.


Eric Chamberlin - Learning Experience Designer
by MLTI Stories of Impact Project

Eric Chamberlin talks about Boothbay Region Elementary School becoming an MLTI Exploration School.


Ronald Ramsay - MLTI impact in Washington County's MSAD 37
by MLTI Stories of Impact Project

Ronald Ramsay describes the impact of the arrival of on-to-one laptops in MSAD 37.


Steve Smith - Maine Tech Coordinator's Perspective as MLTI began
by MlTI Stories of Impact Project

Steve remembers Governor Angus King floating the idea of MLTI with some Maine K-12 Tech Directors.


Dana Mitchell - MLTI in Passamaquoddy Homelands
by MLTI Stories of Impact Project

Dana Mitchell talked about one-to-one's arrival at one Passamaquoddy Reservation school.


Crystal Priest - Genesis of 1:1 in Guilford
by MLTI Stories of Impact Project

Crystal Priest recounted the genesis of 1:1 near the geographical center of the state--Guilford.


Nick Emberley - 7th Grade student as the MLTI begins
by MLTI Stories of Impact Project

Nick Emberley recounted his excitement as a 7th grader receiving his MLTI iBook in 2002.


The Mercy mission called to me deeply
by Melissa Skahan

Melissa Skahan recounted her admiration for the Sisters, as well as her years of work at Mercy


From Naturalists to Environmentalists
by Andy Beahm

The beginnings of Maine Audubon in the Portland Society of Natural History


An Asian American Account
by Zabrina

An account from a Chinese American teen during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Scientist Turned Artist Making Art Out of Trash
by Ian Trask

Bowdoin College alum returns to midcoast Maine to make environmentally conscious artwork


Working at Mercy, a generational experience
by Carolyn Bridges

Carolyn Bridges has worked at Mercy Hospital for over 40 years


Supporting the Mercy Hospital mission for 30+ years
by David Small

David Small described his time on the Mercy Hospital Board, The Sisters of Mercy, and expansion.


Share your COVID-19 story for future generations
by Steve Bromage and Jamie Rice, Maine Historical Society

Learn how you can share your stories on Maine Memory Network


60 years as a Sister of Mercy
by Sister Miriam Callnan

Sister Callnan discussed her 60 years as a member of the Sisters of Mercy.


Behind the scenes of the Mercy expansion
by Sister Ellen Turner

Sister Ellen Turner talked about behind the scenes planning of Mercy's Expansion