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Keywords: East Avenue

Tax Records

The Portland, Maine, 1924 Tax Records were created as part of a city-wide tax reevaluation. The collection consists of 131 books containing approximately 30,000 pages, each page recording a single taxable property. Search the tax records Search the tax records

Item 89134

Kern property, West Side East End Avenue, Long Island, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Frederick Kern Use: Summer Dwelling

Item 89248

Lamb Jr. property, Cheverick Cove East End Avenue, Long Island, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: William H. Lamb Jr. Use: Summer Dwelling

Item 87181

Zwicker property, S. Side Island Avenue, East End, Long Island, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Florence C. Zwicker Use: Summer Dwelling

Item 89074

Harrington property, East End Avenue , N.E. End, Long Island, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: George W. Harrington Use: Summer Dwelling

Item 89174

Downes property, East End Avenue Near Ice Pond, Long Island, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Cynthia A. Downes Use: Summer Dwelling

Item 84015

57 Washington Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Aaron Karlin Use: Apartments

Item 84527

498 Washington Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Cora Murray Use: Store

Item 42441

48 Cumberland Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Theara Hilton Use: Store

Item 67248

4 Oregon Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Albert Molbeck Use: Garage

Item 69010

650 Ocean Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Hildur Abrahamson Use: Garage

Item 82683

564 Washington Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Peter Hjort Use: Residence

Item 82715

577 Washington Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Walter Peterman Use: Residence

Item 82744

537 Washington Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Gottfried Blocklinger Use: Residence

Item 84058

80 Washington Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Siverd Peterson Use: Stable

Item 84658

159 Washington Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Raffalle Russo Use: Garage

Item 65028

Dwelling, Nottingham Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Catiello Vacchiano Use: Dwelling - Single family

Item 65027

Assessor's Record, Storage, Nottingham Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: John Zakarian Use: Storage

Item 65030

Assessor's Record, Storage, Nottingham Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Orland H. Mayberry Use: Storage

Item 83022

Assessor's Record, 715-717Washington Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: George E. Hoggan Use: Garage

Item 42447

54 Cumberland Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: James Gordon Use: Dwelling - Single family

Item 42502

132 Cumberland Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Cosmo Romano Use: Dwelling - Single family

Item 42505

139 Cumberland Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: John G Oleson Use: Dwelling - Single family

Item 42580

152 Cumberland Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Edward C McDonough Use: Dwelling - Two family