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Keywords: Federal Street

Tax Records

The Portland, Maine, 1924 Tax Records were created as part of a city-wide tax reevaluation. The collection consists of 131 books containing approximately 30,000 pages, each page recording a single taxable property. Search the tax records Search the tax records

Item 51720

88-94 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Benjamin Press Use: Apartments & Stores

Item 51759

207-213 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Samuel H Whitney Use: Store - Seed

Item 51721

91-93 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: David Mack Use: Dwelling - Two family

Item 51723

95-99 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: C.F. Dunlap Agency Use: Dwelling - Two family

Item 51725

96-98 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Abram Schwartz Use: Dwelling - Three Family

Item 51741

122-124 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Esther Katz Use: Dwelling - Two family

Item 51758

204-210 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Salvation Army Use: Stores & Army Home

Item 51760

212-224 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Abraham E Ross Use: Stores & Offices

Item 51747

187-191 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: F.S. Waldron Realty Co. Use: Store - Retail Glass

Item 51748

Assessor's Record, 190 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Charles L Fox Use: Land only

Item 51755

196-202 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Bramhall Realty Co. Use: Shop - Tin

Item 51767

225-233 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Elias Thomas Use: Restaurant & Mercantile

Item 51770

234-238 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: James H McGlinchy Use: Stores & Offices

Item 51636

Assessor's Record, 8-10 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Hancock Reality Co. Use: Land only

Item 51638

Assessor's Record, 12-16 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Mabelle W Cornish Use: Garage & Storage

Item 51714

81-83 Federal Street (rear), Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Joseph Mack Use: Dwelling - Single family

Item 51727

Assessor's Record, 100-102 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Hyman Finkelman Use: Storage

Item 51749

Assessor's Record, 190-194 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Exchange Realty Co. Use: Stable

Item 51713

81-83 Federal Street (rear), Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Alexander Gibson Use: Dwelling - Single family

Item 51764

215-223 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Elias Thomas Use: Print Shop & Store

Item 51761

215-223 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Elias Thomas Use: Restaurant & Rooming House

Item 51763

215-223 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Elias Thomas Use: Storage

Item 51662

Assessor's Record, 76-86 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Roman Catholic Bishop of Portland Use: hall

Item 51664

Assessor's Record, 76-86 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Roman Catholic Bishop of Portland Use: Storage