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Keywords: Retail stores

Tax Records

The Portland, Maine, 1924 Tax Records were created as part of a city-wide tax reevaluation. The collection consists of 131 books containing approximately 30,000 pages, each page recording a single taxable property. Search the tax records Search the tax records

Item 37403

473-477 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Mary Watts Use: Store

Item 37327

209-215 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Percival P. Baxter Agent Use: Store

Item 37337

233 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Cilnton W. Davis Agent Use: Store

Item 37338

235-237 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Clinton L. & Ethel F. Baxter Agent Use: Store

Item 65957

25 North Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Fred A. Chase Use: Store

Item 34494

244 Brackett Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: The Rosemont Farm, Inc. Use: Store

Item 37285

102-104 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Elias Thomas Use: Store

Item 84450

198 Washington Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Nicola Aliberti Use: Store

Item 87905

231-235 York Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Harry S Clark Use: Store

Item 37312

165-171 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Charles H Robinson Use: Store

Item 37318

195-197 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Bennett McClearn Co. Use: Store Building

Item 37319

201-207 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Heirs of Thomas Chadwick Use: Store

Item 52733

104-110 Free Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Lucy A Libby Use: Store

Item 75864

242 Stevens Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Sabia DiMatteo Profenno Use: Store

Item 76837

115-125 Washburn Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Heirs of John W. Deering Use: Store

Item 37314

180 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Pocahantas Fuel Company, Inc. Use: Store

Item 63148

56-60 Middle Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: David Shwartz & Sons, Inc. Use: Store Building

Item 37305

Assessor's Record, 144 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Jones Real Estate Co. Use: Shop - Junk

Item 37411

517 Commercial Street (rear), Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Portland Terminal Co. Use: Blacksmith Shop

Item 37484

2-40 West Commercial Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Portland Gas Light Co. Use: Blacksmith Shop

Item 38571

463 Congress Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Estate of William O. Alden Use: Drugstore & Offices

Item 39920

Assessor's Record, 879 Congress Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: John McNeil Use: Storehouse

Item 40013

Assessor's Record, 925 Congress Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Millard Hanson Use: Barber Shop

Item 40058

982-1030 Congress Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Portland Terminal Co. Use: Storehouse