Keywords: Seas
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Tax Records
The Portland, Maine, 1924 Tax Records were created as part of a city-wide tax reevaluation. The collection consists of 131 books containing approximately 30,000 pages, each page recording a single taxable property. Search the tax records Search the tax records
Item 86025
Butler property, S. Side Lyndon Avenue, Sea Shore Avenue, Peaks Island, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Lillian Butler Use: Summer Dwelling
Item 37453
Assessor's Record, 2-40 West Commercial Street, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Portland Gas Light Co. Use: Sea Wall
Item 85153
Woodbury property, W. Side Merriam, Peaks Island, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Sarah B. Woodbury Use: Summer Dwelling
Item 82879
Coffin property, E. Side Ryefield Street, Peaks Island, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Jennie p. Coffin Use: Summer Dwelling
Item 83192
Foss property, S. Side Seashore Avenue, Peaks Island, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: A. P. Foss Use: Summer Dwelling
Item 86060
Tolman property, N. Side Lyndon Avenue, Rear, Peaks Island, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: Laura A. Tolman Use: Summer Dwelling
Item 89151
McGonigle property, N. Side A Street, Lot 17, Peaks Island, Portland, 1924
Owner in 1924: William M. McGonigle Use: Summer Dwelling