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Keywords: apartment buildings

Tax Records

The Portland, Maine, 1924 Tax Records were created as part of a city-wide tax reevaluation. The collection consists of 131 books containing approximately 30,000 pages, each page recording a single taxable property. Search the tax records Search the tax records

Item 67593

68 Oxford Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Woodbury P. Merrill Use: Dwelling - Three Family & Store

Item 67833

104-106 Oak Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Charles M. Davies Use: Hotel

Item 76410

265 Spring Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Leila V. Bain Use: Dwelling - Two family

Item 76411

267 Spring Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Mary Bain Use: Dwelling - Two family

Item 84541

21-27 West Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: J. B. Brown and Sons Use: Dwelling

Item 39015

632-652 Congress Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Devisees of James Cunningham Use: Hotel

Item 65229

73-75 Newbury Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: David Finkelman Use: Apartments

Item 35773

Assessor's Record, 42 Brown Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Frederick N. Dow Use: Apartments

Item 35776

Assessor's Record, 44 Brown Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Frederick N. Dow Use: Apartments

Item 35777

Assessor's Record, 46 Brown Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Frederick N. Dow Use: Apartments

Item 36713

9-11 Chapel Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Harry Miller Use: Apartments

Item 36723

49 Chapel Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Margaret L Kavanagh Use: Apartments

Item 38544

359-361 Congress Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Fannie Glovsky Use: Apartments

Item 38556

Assessor's Record, 412 Congress Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Mary Elder Use: Apartments & Store

Item 38979

612 Congress Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Mary Vose Use: Apartments & Stores

Item 39897

847 Congress Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Franklin Cobb Use: Apartments

Item 39898

847 Congress Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Franklin Cobb Use: Apartments

Item 39916

877 Congress Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: James Lessard Use: Apartments

Item 42126

404-409 Cumberland Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Esther Katz Use: Apartments

Item 42160

451 Cumberland Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Esther B Dalton Use: Apartments

Item 42231

553 Cumberland Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Sadie M Bloom Use: Apartments

Item 42237

571 Cumberland Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: James H McCann Use: Apartments

Item 49897

13 Dyer Lane, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Charles H Felt Use: Apartments

Item 51292

19 Falmouth Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Clough Maxim Co. Use: Apartments