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Keywords: williams

Tax Records

The Portland, Maine, 1924 Tax Records were created as part of a city-wide tax reevaluation. The collection consists of 131 books containing approximately 30,000 pages, each page recording a single taxable property. Search the tax records Search the tax records

Item 86318

Storage, Commercial Wharf, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Francis R Bangs and William Moses Trust Use: Storage

Item 86319

Storage, Commercial Wharf, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Francis R Bangs and William Moses Trust Use: Storage

Item 53824

384-390 Fore Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Fobes Brothers Use: Print Shop

Item 37284

94-96 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: William W. Thomas Jr., Trustee Trust UA Use: Wholesale Drugs

Item 63318

184 Middle Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: William W. Thomas, Jr., Trustee, Trust "B" Use: Offices

Item 63618

237-239 Middle Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: William W. Thomas, Jr., Trustee, Trust "B" Use: Mercantile

Item 76385

230 Spring Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Estate of William F. Deehan et al Use: Dwelling - Two family

Item 86310

Assessor's Record, 144-160 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Francis R Bangs and William Moses Trust Use: Wharf

Item 50776

41 Exchange Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: William W. Thomas Trustee - Trust "B" Use: Store & Bindery

Item 50778

43-45 Exchange Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: William W. Thomas Trustee - Trust "B" Use: Store & Garage

Item 50782

47 Exchange Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: William W. Thomas Trustee - Trust "B" Use: Store & Bindery

Item 99359

75-77 Portland Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Trustees of William A. Sury Smardon Use: Dwelling & Store

Item 87225

60-62 Woodlawn Avenue Lot 14, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Herbert A Day Jr and William N Small Use: Residence

Item 37234

25-31 Commercial Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: W.L. Blake & Co. Use: Warehouse & Machine Shop

Item 32912

Assessor's Record, 518 Washington Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Tourist Accessories Inc. Use: Filling station

Item 37093

63-65 Codman Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Ralph M Bryant Use: Dwelling - Single family

Item 40506

33-37 Cotton Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: John Melaugh Use: Dwelling - Two family

Item 48134

152-154 Dartmouth Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Ethel B Nickerson Use: Dwelling - Two family

Item 51641

36 Federal Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Joseph Joyce Use: Dwelling - Three Family

Item 54631

472 Forest Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Thomas Smiley Use: Dwelling - Single family

Item 56022

Assessor's Record, 1445 Forest Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Devisees of Hattie E. Bailey Use: Garage

Item 56514

177 Glenwood Avenue, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: George C. Wheeler Use: Bungalow

Item 58152

3 Hooper Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Charles A. Hanson Use: Dwelling - Single House

Item 59963

10 Lambert Street, Portland, 1924

Owner in 1924: Rose S. Cook Use: Dwelling - Single family