Keywords: mores
- Historical Items (1687)
- Tax Records (6)
- Architecture & Landscape (11)
- Online Exhibits (255)
- Site Pages (784)
- My Maine Stories (149)
- Lesson Plans (13)
Site Pages
These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Learn More
"Learn More If you would like to learn more about the Wabanaki on and around Mount Desert Island, here are several resources."
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Postscript: More Moving Buildings
"Postscript: More Moving Buildings The Old House, Harbor Cottage, The Big Barn and the Old Ell were not the only structures in Asticou to move…"
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - More Permanent Settlers Arrive
"More Permanent Settlers Arrive Two major waves of settlers arrived after 1768 – the first from Gloucester, Massachusetts in addition to James…"
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - More on the Old Ell
"More on the Old Ell During World War II, following the deaths of both John C. and Emily N. Savage, the Old Ell came into the ownership of their only…"
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - More About the Johnson Brothers
"More About the Johnson Brothers As a youth, Richardson Johnson was very ambitious, so it wasn’t surprising when he started his own business, solo."
Site Page
""Good the more communicated, the more abundant grows" : The Thursday Club "Rocking Chair Row" program, Biddeford, 1930Biddeford Historical…"
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Summary: The Future: Recycle or Start from Scratch?
"… it is usually economically and temporally more expedient to forego recycling, moving, and reincarnating our older structures."
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Permanent Settlement
"Governor Bernard’s choice of these two men to be founders of the township would serve him well.” More Permanent Settlers Arrive"
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Twentieth-Century Community Life
"… but instead of sailing to Labrador, they stayed more local. Foremost, of course, were lobsters, but other fishermen still pursued fin fish."
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Green Mountain Railway
"… story of the Green Mountain Railway is one of the more popular stories on MDI’s history. It is still possible to see remnants of the railway on the…"
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Early Performance
"To learn more about this era check out the Indians and Rusticators exhibit here. Or visit the Abbe Museum, located in downtown Bar Harbor."
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Bar Harbor: Building of Arts
"… evident that Bar Harbor had the potential to be more than a “mere summer resort” and become a “nucleus that would gather to itself each year…"
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Rusticators on the Rise
"… all the joys and solace of nature, some wanted more. The call of the wild was one thing, but what about the tug of social preening and pure…"
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - They Should Have Constructed Their Buildings On Wheels
"… and expressions are profound and striking, others more mundane and prosaic. Usage patterns in this neighborhood have ranged from purposing the land…"
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - The Founding of Acadia National Park
"… and in 1916 they offered the federal government more than 6,000 acres. Rockefeller himself ultimately gave about 15,000 acres."
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - The Granite and Ice Industries
"… was coming into its own, another started to flourish -- tourism. Though less substantial than stone, it proved more enduring. Rustication"
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Cottagers
"… hotel guests and every one almost who was of more than ordinary note. -Bangor Daily Whig & Courier, 19 August 1886."
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Northeast Harbor: Rustic to Rusticators
"More than 100 men showed up for the first town meeting. In May of 1795, the Town of Eden separated from Mt. Desert, giving the Island two towns."
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Student Narrative of MDI History
"The Abnaki called the island Pemetic. Much more can be learned about the Native Americans on Mt. Desert Island and throughout New England at the Abbe…"
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Civil War
"… The population of Mount Desert Island fell by more than six percent during the war years, the result of military and civilian deaths, the flight of…"
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - The Champlain Society - Page 2 of 2
"… on the island less as a studious endeavor and more as a vacation (and indeed those sections of the logbooks are perhaps the most entertaining)."
Site Page
"… in the residential summer colony near Asticou but more transient visitors came, demanding different services and seeking more short term pleasures."
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - The Bryants and Rockefellers: Two Seal Harbor Families
"Clearly, the more affluent residents of the island have had an impact on each of these aspects. This massive effect that MDI's "summer people" have…"
Site Page
Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Beginnings
"… and west that grew crops where the climate was more favorable for horticulture. As hunters, gatherers, and foragers, the Native residents of Mount…"