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Keywords: Paper making

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

Site Page

Western Maine Foothills Region - Continental Paper Bag Company

"Sources: The Continental Paper Bag Company press, 1905 H. Schedler Photo Engraving, New York Kiesling Bros. Press, New York"

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Western Maine Foothills Region - For The Love Of Paper - Page 4 of 4

"… and electrically with state-of-the-art paper making equipment. BOISE CASCADE SOLD TO MEAD On September 1996, after 20 years of investment in the…"

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Western Maine Foothills Region - For The Love Of Paper - Page 1 of 4

"The history of Rumford as a great paper making center began on July 12, 1893, when The Rumford Falls Paper Company manufactured its first paper."

Site Page

Western Maine Foothills Region - For The Love Of Paper - Page 3 of 4

"The 1960's were a time of upgrade for many of the paper making facets. The old coal boilers were converted to oil-fired, and recovery burning boilers…"

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Maine's Paper & Heritage Museum

View collections, facts, and contact information for this Contributing Partner.

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Lincoln, Maine - Mills & Paper Industry - Page 1 of 2

"Mills & Paper Industry Beginnings Text by George King, Lincoln Historical Society Sorting gap, North Lincoln, 1910Lincoln Historical Society…"

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Western Maine Foothills Region - Rumford - Page 1 of 4

"… Rumford Falls Sulphite Company; the Continental Paper Bag Company; and finally, the Oxford Paper Company."

Site Page

Western Maine Foothills Region - Building Boom and Piers above the Falls

"… were built in the rivers, in the early days of paper mills. The rivers were the main way of getting the logs to the mills at that time."

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Western Maine Foothills Region - Mexico - Page 2 of 3

"… worker and an able correspondent of the local papers. An excerpt from his diary reads: I packed my goods, loaded them and started for Mann Hill…"

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Western Maine Foothills Region - About the Project

"In the River Valley towns, the NewPage paper mill dominates the economy. While the mill’s payroll is less than half of what it was 40 years ago, it…"

Site Page

Lincoln, Maine - Newspapers

"Lincoln sold the papers and Bangor sold them; those towns are still here today. Most of Penobscot County sold the papers and the county is still here…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Lincoln Historical Society - Page 2 of 2

"… the library that had been donated by Eastern Fine Paper Company in 1947. This move proved to be an invaluable step in the preservation of Lincoln’s…"

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Lincoln, Maine - That Pioneer Spirit

"… blow in 1968 with the closure of the Eastern Fine Paper and Pulp Division of Standard Packaging Corporation."

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Lincoln, Maine - Gordon's Fox Farms

"“Hey Pa, Mr. Gordon forgot a paper.” “Hmm,” Keith’s Pa picked up the paper and read it. “It says that Mr."

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Western Maine Foothills Region - Mt. Zircon Reservoir - Page 2 of 3

"The dam is 842 ft. above sea level, making it one of the three highest dams in Maine. It is 847 ft. long; is 57 ft."

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Western Maine Foothills Region - Byron

"… grown and exported to the Boston area for beer making. District 7 School, Roxbury, 1915Byron Historical Society Over the years Byron has seen…"

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Western Maine Foothills Region - Dixfield - Page 4 of 5

"… down and then came home to get some articles to make a mantle robe. I put little Carrie in the coffin–so innocent and pure. Rev. Mr."

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Western Maine Foothills Region - Leonard Trask, the Wonderful Invalid

"He moved to Carthage to make bricks at $11.50 a month. He returned to Hartford to build a stone wall 100 rods long in eight weeks for $100."

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Western Maine Foothills Region - Dixfield - Page 3 of 5

"… continue to enlighten us with many old stories that are once again making their mark–just as the many inventors of Science Hill did so long ago."

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Lincoln, Maine - Influential Institutions

"… or examining a topic deeply), INTERPERSONAL (making a personal connection to a topic), or SELF-EXPRESSIVE (taking a non-traditional, often…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Pulp mill, Lincoln, 1915 - Page 1 of 2

"It was then sent to the wood room to make chips for the pulp mill. At this time the mill was owned by the Eastern Manufacturing Company."

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Lincoln, Maine - Communication & Transportation

"… or examining a topic deeply), INTERPERSONAL (making a personal connection to a topic), or SELF-EXPRESSIVE (taking a non-traditional, often…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Main Street

"… or examining a topic deeply), INTERPERSONAL (making a personal connection to a topic), or SELF-EXPRESSIVE (taking a non-traditional, often…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Founding Fathers & Early History

"… or examining a topic deeply), INTERPERSONAL (making a personal connection to a topic), or SELF-EXPRESSIVE (taking a non-traditional, often…"