Keywords: Sons
- Historical Items (1403)
- Tax Records (117)
- Architecture & Landscape (40)
- Online Exhibits (129)
- Site Pages (343)
- My Maine Stories (53)
- Lesson Plans (2)
Site Pages
These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.
Site Page
Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - Four sons of Jacob Abbott, Farmington, ca. 1865
"Four sons of Jacob Abbott, Farmington, ca. 1865 Contributed by Farmington Public Library Description The four adult sons of Jacob Abbott."
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Junior Martin in cadet uniform, Bangor, ca. 1871
"… (1823-1904) drew three illustrations of his son as a cadet, and wrote, "Junior was 14 years ..."
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Intro: pages 72-120
"He also wrote about their son Junior, dances and dance schools, the final days of Katahdin Charcoal Iron Co., and his fruit trees."
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Elmer Martin, Bangor, 1865
"… in a series of journals and scrapbooks, drew his son Elmer (1860-1870) in the family's back yard in Bangor in August 1865."
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Dr. Charles Snell, Bangor, ca. 1867
"Charles Snell of Bangor was the son of a doctor. The Charles Snell pictured practiced in Bangor and his father in Oxford County."
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Martin-Raynes-Stevens Family Trees
"… Journal and his three Scrapbooks passed from his son, John Martin Junior, to two of Rebecca's single daughters, Fannie and Ella Stevens, and then…"
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Intro: pages 65-83
"… to insure that his children -- especially his sons -- understand the politics about which Martin is so consumed."
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - John Martin Jr., Bangor, 1865
"(1857-1929) was the third child and first son of John and Clara Cary Martin of Bangor. His father, John Martin (1823-1904), drew him "in his…"
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Revenue gunboat "Mahoning," Bangor, 1864
"He wrote, "I took my son Junior & crossed to Brewer & sketched her from the Brick Wharf oposite Steam Boat wharf."
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Alonzo E. Raynes, Brewer, ca. 1838
"Raynes (1830-1916) of Brewer, the son of Anna and Solomon Raynes, is shown wearing a red velvet cap and checked plaid cotton apron in this drawing by…"
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Elmer Ellsworth Martin, Bangor, 1865
"… described Elmer, his fourth child and second son, "his body is large his legs and arms are large his feet and hands are very small."
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Lunt House, Cumberland at Center streets, Bangor, ca. 1852
"… home and bought this house, but put it in her son Luther's name. View additional information about this item on the Maine Memory Network."
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - John Martin Sr. home, Ellsworth, 1823
"… senior Martin died in February 1824 when his only son was 11 months old. The younger John Martin visited Ellsworth as an adult, with his mother…"
Site Page
John Martin: Expert Observer - Illustrations
"… for a political convention, Martin took his son along and sketched the tent, pacing off its length and width and estimating the height."
Site Page
"died in 1824, leaving his wife and young son, also named John, with little financial security. The house the couple had bought was taken away."
Site Page
"… began a new chapter in her life and that of her son John Martin, then two years old. John Martin backbend, Bangor, 1844Maine Historical…"
Site Page
"Deering was eventually renamed J.G. Deering & Son Company once Joseph G. Deering’s son Frank Cutter Deering joined the business."
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Shipbuilders, Sailors and Whaling Men
"His son, E.G. Pierce, built many fine ships on the Kennebec, and another son, Eben, in 1865 invented one of the deadliest whaling weapons ever…"
Site Page
Thomaston: The Town that Went to Sea - Stimpson House
"… built was for Henry Jackson Knox, the General’s son, in 1794. In the 1820s, this house on Pine Street was lived in by Brown Stimpson, a druggist…"
Site Page
Early Maine Photography - Family Groups
"… countenances of a father, mother, and their son are tempered by the affectionate holding of hands by father and son and the boy’s Napoleonic pose…"
Site Page
Thomaston: The Town that Went to Sea - The Prince House
"… stand on Main Street, his at 29 Main and his son, Hezekiah II’s at 101 Main Street. The Paine Fernald House (no longer standing) was yet another…"
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Portrait of the Proprietor
"His son Joseph F. Bodwell succeeded him as president of the Hallowell Granite Works. Bodwell House, Hallowell, ca."
Site Page
Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - Cutler Memorial Library dedication, Farmington, 1903
"Lyman Abbott, a son of Jacob Abbott. The local schools were closed, and many businesses suspended operations for the two hour ceremony."
Site Page
Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - Mildred Thomas and Harold Sawyer, ca. 1910
"Harold was the son of Charles Sawyer who had a studio in Farmington from 1904-1920. His handpainted photographs were very popular."