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Keywords: brunswick

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

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Kings Landing Historical Settlement

View collections, facts, and contact information for this Contributing Partner.

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Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Borderland Essays

"… state of Maine and the Canadian province of New Brunswick. Boundary between United States and New Brunswick, undatedMaine Historical Society…"

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Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? - Page 6 of 7

"… the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? Brunswick Town Meeting Minutes, 1719Maine Historical Society The Pejepscot Proprietors granted a…"

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Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Women in Colonial Economies - Page 4 of 4

"… (1716), Proprietors of the Township of Brunswick: Pejepscot Proprietors Papers, collection 61, vol. 1, p. 81-83, Maine Historical Society."

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Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Fixing Borders on the Land: The Northeastern Boundary in Treaties and Local Reality, 1763-1842 - Page 2 of 5

"… (1754-1824), loyalist of Massachusetts and New Brunswick. Both men served on multiple border commissions, and their impact was extended since each…"

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Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - The Shaping of the Borderlands: Arcane Deeds and Failed Colonies - Page 4 of 5

"… Boundary between United States and New Brunswick, undatedMaine Historical Society Unsurprisingly, jurisdictional questions continued to…"

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Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Pejepscot Proprietors Biographies - Page 1 of 2

"He was responsible for the upkeep of the Wells-Brunswick road and helped transport soldiers to the Brunswick fort."

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Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? - Page 3 of 7

"… original Pejepscot Proprietors quickly founded Brunswick and Topsham, and spent the next few decades struggling to recruit settler-colonialists…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? - Page 5 of 7

"… & Improve on Two hundred Acres of Land in Brunswick Adjoyning to Mr. Robert Kinney's Land on the Plains, and hinder any Person from Lumbering or…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Pejepscot Proprietors Papers, 1627‐1866

"… for towns settled by the company, most notably Brunswick, Maine, with warrants and reports. The collection contains a wide variety of unexpected…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Beyond Borders: an historical overview - Page 6 of 6

"… Bay but disagreed over where Maine ended and New Brunswick began. From the 1790s to the 1840s, this ongoing dispute between the British empire and…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Fixing Borders on the Land: The Northeastern Boundary in Treaties and Local Reality, 1763-1842 - Page 1 of 5

"… as those in the new sovereign polities of New Brunswick, Upper and Lower Canada, which were fused as the Province of Canada in 1841 (previously…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - The Shaping of the Borderlands: Arcane Deeds and Failed Colonies - Page 1 of 5

"… state of Maine and the Canadian province of New Brunswick was, prior to about 1800, one largely of failure and confusion."

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Project Background

"60), the Proprietors of the Township of Brunswick papers—referred to as the Pejepscot Proprietors (Coll."

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - The Shaping of the Borderlands: Arcane Deeds and Failed Colonies - Page 5 of 5

"… Massachusetts stopped and Nova Scotia (soon New Brunswick) began was still an open question, one that was not even solved by identifying the Saint…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Fixing Borders on the Land: The Northeastern Boundary in Treaties and Local Reality, 1763-1842 - Page 3 of 5

"… sides) and to preserve an overland route from New Brunswick to Quebec (for the British). The costs to raise and support the surveying teams in…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Fixing Borders on the Land: The Northeastern Boundary in Treaties and Local Reality, 1763-1842 - Page 5 of 5

"“Mascareene’s Treaty of 1725,” University of New Brunswick Law Journal 43 (1994), 3-18, an essay of much broader scope than its title indicates."

Site Page

Presque Isle: The Star City - Transportation

"John River in Durham boats. In the 1830's the Military Road was built from Bangor to Houlton and later to points north. The New Brunswick Railway…"

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Presque Isle: The Star City - Canadian and Pacific Railroad

"… to have train service and approached the New Brunswick Railway (later known as the Canadian & Pacific)."

Site Page

Pejepscot Historical Society

View collections, facts, and contact information for this Contributing Partner.

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Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? - Page 7 of 7

"Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? Residents on company lands also complained, with considerable justification, about suffering as a…"

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Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? - Page 2 of 7

"Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? Plan of the Kennebec River describing the Plymouth patent, ca."

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Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? - Page 1 of 7

"Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? Essay by Ian Saxine, Fall 2022 Ian Saxine, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of History at…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? - Page 4 of 7

"Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? Coll. 61, vol. 7, pg. 401 Example of a proprietor meeting at the Royall Exchange Tavern on King…"