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Keywords: ship building

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

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Historic Hallowell - Shipping

"Every time they got a new shipping material(another item) the captain would write it all down in his captains log which contains the item, how much…"

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Historic Hallowell - Ship Parts

"Ship Parts Shipbuilding spike, Hallowell, ca. 1853Courtesy of Sumner A. Webber, Sr., an individual partner Ship hulls were built from trees in…"

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Bath's Historic Downtown - Old Town Hall and Grant Building

"1908Patten Free Library The earlier building at the Grants Building site was the Old City Hall which was built in 1837 as Town Hall before Bath…"

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Historic Hallowell - Hallowell Ship Captains

"Hallowell Ship Captains John Agry, Sea Captain, Hallowell, ca. 1801Hubbard Free Library Captain John Agry was born in 1763."

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Historic Hallowell - Captains and Their Ships

"What you will find under Schooners, Steamers, Ships, and Tankers: Two informational pieces total, one being on the Henry Reed ship."

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Thomaston: The Town that Went to Sea - Building Boom, early 19th century

"When not building ships, craftsmen became architects and house builders, evidenced by the many architectural details used in ship construction."

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Historic Hallowell - Schooners, Steamers, Ships and Tankers

"Schooners, Steamers, Ships and Tankers Della Collins, Eastern Steamship Company Wharf, Kennebec River, Hallowell, ca."

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Old Buildings

"Old Buildings Bonnie and Donnie Staples' house Minturn Schoolhouse The Tea Room Redmen's Hall Seaside Hall Andrew Smith Store…"

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Thomaston: The Town that Went to Sea - Henry Knox: Shipping

"Henry Knox: Shipping Shipping the goods that he was producing was an important part of Knox’s business dealings."

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John Martin: Expert Observer - Soldier transport ships, Bangor, 1865

"Soldier transport ships, Bangor, 1865 Contributed by Maine Historical Society and Maine State Museum Description John Martin (1823-1904)…"

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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Building Community and Commerce

"They were building ships and more mills to support expanding industries, and they were building new roads. And the mail finally arrived."

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Lubec, Maine - Building the Roosevelt Bridge to Campobello - Page 1 of 3

"Clearing ship traffic required a six percent grade reaching 48 feet above high tide at the point of greatest elevation."

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - III. Boom, bustle, bust: The Steamboat Years to WWII

"… marked an end to the age of East coast shipping and reliance on forest products. The nation turned to coal, iron, and oil."

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Baird's Quarry history

"Finally, the granite was loaded onto barges to be shipped to New York and Boston. Sometimes the barges were towed away from the wharf by a pulley and…"

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - II. Pinkies, wherries, skiffs and chebaccos: Early Settlement

"It is diabolical.” Pinky Ship, Belfast, ca. 1880Swan's Island Historical Society Dr. Small states, “About the year 1850 a decided improvement…"

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Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Maritime Tales: Shipyards and Shipwrecks - Page 1 of 2

"… presented a perfect opportunity for building ships. Before roads, railroad bridges and tide gates, ocean water overflowed the marsh at high tide."

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Redmen's Hall

"In the late 1940's, the building was already in disrepair with a caving floor. There were still costumes in the back room."

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Surry by the Bay - Nineteenth Century

"… and business interests of the time, farming, ship-building, lumbering and shore fishing. And in Surry, as I remember it in those days, there was…"

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Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Historical Overview - Page 1 of 4

"Early 1600s ships' logs had accounts of fishing and fur trading along the coast. Fish, particularly cod, was abundant and a very profitable commodity…"

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Seaside Hall

"In 2007, the hall was cleared out and in May of 2009 the entire building was moved to its current location at 65 Atlantic Loop Rd."

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - History Detectives

"Check out the exhibits below to see ways the students got involved: Old Buildings Exhibit Baird's Quarry Exhibit"

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Odd Fellows Hall

"… current Methodist Church, until the group had a building of its own. The three-story hall was built shortly after 1909, and still stands tall on…"

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - The McCormick house

"The McCormick house This building is now the home of Theo McCormick, who moved to Swan's Island with her late husband Stephen McCormick, the…"

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Winter Fun

"It is next to today’s Post Office/Town Office building. Three skaters at the Quarry Pond, Swan's Island, 1949Swan's Island Historical Society…"