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Keywords: Ship captains

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

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Historic Hallowell - Hallowell Ship Captains

"Hallowell Ship Captains John Agry, Sea Captain, Hallowell, ca. 1801Hubbard Free Library Captain John Agry was born in 1763."

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Historic Hallowell - Captains and Their Ships

"Captains and Their Ships Arthur Moore Captain Arthur Moore at the Hallowell Waterfront. X Anne Wallace, Josh Benner, Shelby Ward, Jacob…"

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Historic Hallowell - Shipping

"… got a new shipping material(another item) the captain would write it all down in his captains log which contains the item, how much it costs, and…"

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Historic Hallowell - Schooners, Steamers, Ships and Tankers

"Thomas Coss was the first to captain of the Governor King. It was built for the coastal trade, and the steamer’s cargo was mostly coal."

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - III. Boom, bustle, bust: The Steamboat Years to WWII

"Over sixty years of steam service, two captains and three ships: the Vinalhaven, Governor Bodwell, and the North Haven, served the needs of Swan’s…"

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Baird's Quarry history

"Finally, the granite was loaded onto barges to be shipped to New York and Boston. Sometimes the barges were towed away from the wharf by a pulley and…"

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - II. Pinkies, wherries, skiffs and chebaccos: Early Settlement

"It is diabolical.” Pinky Ship, Belfast, ca. 1880Swan's Island Historical Society Dr. Small states, “About the year 1850 a decided improvement…"

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Andrew Smith Store

"1940Swan's Island Historical Society Captain Andrew C. Smith was born on Swan's Island on December 5, 1856."

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Dance

"Captain Herrick’s Ocean View Hotel in Swan’s Island Village had a well used dance floor. Once the Odd Fellows Hall was built in 1909, dances were…"

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Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Maritime Tales: Shipyards and Shipwrecks - Page 1 of 2

"… many sawmills, a protected port and local sea captains needing ships for fishing and trade presented a perfect opportunity for building ships."

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Ocean View Hotel

"The hotel was built and run by Captain William Herrick (1841-1925). William's son Charles had the hotel afterwards, though it was said of him that he…"

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Islanders at Work

"Captain William Herrick was one of the successful fishermen. He was well known up and down the New England coast for his fishing success and business…"

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Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Maritime Tales: Shipyards and Shipwrecks - Page 2 of 2

"… and Maritime Disasters of the Maine Coast, the ship was the largest wooden sailing ship ever wrecked off the Maine coast."

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - V. Changing times: the Swan’s Island Ferry

"… Harbor for convenience, and the current boat, Captain Henry Lee, can carry up to seventeen vehicles and makes multiple daily trips year round."

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Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Historical Overview - Page 1 of 4

"… on a first-come first-served basis, and ships' captains soon realized the advantages of having "caretakers" remain at the end of a fishing season…"

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Surry by the Bay - Nineteenth Century

"The men who built the ships were paid only for the days that they worked. If one of the men needed a rowboat to go to his home at Morgan's Bay or…"

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Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Historical Overview - Page 2 of 4

"A group of nearly one hundred men led by Captain Benjamin Swett and Lieutenant Richardson were drawn into ambush and a bloody battle ensued in the…"

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Welcome to Swan's Island!

"Welcome to Swan's Island! Burnt Coat Harbor X Swan's Island, a six mile ferry ride out of Bass Harbor in Mount Desert Island, is the current…"

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Baird's Quarry

"Baird's Quarry Swan's Island granite was quarried at sites around the island, providing work for many laborers and the businesses that supported…"

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Student genealogy

"Student genealogy Fritz Johnson, Swan's Island, ca. 1925Swan's Island Historical Society As members of a small island school, many of Swan's…"

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - IV. Transitions and troubles: Private enterprise shoulders an island’s needs

"IV. Transitions and troubles: Private enterprise shoulders an island’s needs Left with no reliable connection to the mainland and few secure sources…"

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Sports

"Sports Organized Sports Swan's Island softball team, ca. 1978Swan's Island Historical Society Much as the 1950s were all about the Brooklyn…"

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Old Buildings

"Old Buildings Bonnie and Donnie Staples' house Minturn Schoolhouse The Tea Room Redmen's Hall Seaside Hall Andrew Smith Store…"

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Minturn Schoolhouse

"Minturn Schoolhouse Minturn Schoolhouse, Swan's Island, ca. 1930Swan's Island Historical Society The Minturn Schoolhouse was built in 1899…"