Keywords: youth
- Historical Items (340)
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- Architecture & Landscape (2)
- Online Exhibits (41)
- Site Pages (28)
- My Maine Stories (17)
- Lesson Plans (5)
Site Pages
These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.
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Historic Hallowell - Classical and Scientific Academy
"At the date of the will, and until June, 1888, it conducted a school at Hallowell for the education of youth of both sexes, of the grade and scope of…"
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Guilford, Maine - STUDENT CORNER
"… Guilford History as Seen Through the Eyes of Youth by 8th Grade Students, Piscataquis Community Middle School (Please note: Editing, including…"
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Historic Clothing Collection - 1960-1970 - Page 1 of 3
"… the era of the "baby boom" generation, and the youth culture that had its beginning in the 1950s and manifested itself in the 1960s as a period of…"
Site Page
"… much about the island through Charles’ eye and youthful energy; he self-educated through engaged participation in their interests, intellect…"
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Historic Hallowell - More About the Johnson Brothers
"More About the Johnson Brothers As a youth, Richardson Johnson was very ambitious, so it wasn’t surprising when he started his own business, solo."
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Historic Clothing Collection - Mid Twentieth Century
"… moved beyond the War years, the emergence of youth culture dominated fashions. Understandably, a shrinking percentage of shoppers retained a…"
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Historic Clothing Collection - 1950-1960 - Page 2 of 4
"… more casual dress, the uniform of the emergent youth culture, became synonymous with rebellion against established culture and society."
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Historic Clothing Collection - 1950-1960 - Page 1 of 4
"Louis. The emergent youth culture, with its rock & roll and pop music, and move towards less formal dress stimulated growth of a new branch of the…"
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Bath's Historic Downtown - The Patten Free Library
"… addition was built to house a children's room, a youth room, a lobby and a lecture hall. Mildred C. Wright donated $150,000 to the library for its…"
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Presque Isle: The Star City - National Community Christmas Tree - 1959
"… arts and crafts from children around the world, youth representing Youth for Christ International, and a Yule Log pit."
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Parsonsfield-Porter Historical Society
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John Martin: Expert Observer - Dancing Fraternity, City of Bangor, 1868
"… as easy and responsive to music as those of a youth of today." Martin (1823-1904) pasted the article about his accomplishment in his "Dancing…"
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Historic Hallowell - Carvers and Quarrymen
"As a youth Protasio worked in the marble quarries of Carrara famous for providing the stone used by Michaelangelo among others."
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Bath's Historic Downtown - Bath Savings Institution and Hyde Block
"It sponsors many youth sport teams. They are also a bank for all the citizens in Bath that want them to be their bank."
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Strong, a Mussul Unsquit village - National Blue Ribbon School
"… school will be for a new generation of Strong youth who will go on to make their mark on the state and the nation." Principal Corson said the new…"
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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Big Thunder
"Two finer types of youth and age you will rarely see.” Frank "Big Thunder" Loring, Bar Harbor, ca."
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Life on a Tidal River - The Bangor Fire of 1911 - Page 1 of 2
"… residents believed that a weekly poker game with youthful players may have caused the fire in the hay barn, perhaps from a carelessly discarded…"
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Western Maine Foothills Region - Rumford - Page 3 of 4
"… activities, and provided opportunities for the youth and adults of the community to engage in athletics, lectures, and movies, and initially…"
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Western Maine Foothills Region - Rumford High School Basketball - 1970s - Page 1 of 2
"Other prominent area youth coaches, who coached and contributed to the basketball talent level at the community center or “Institute”, were John…"
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"Martin, like most youths of his era, attended school for sessions that lasted about 12 weeks. Sometimes, students attended more than one session a…"
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Presque Isle: The Star City - Arthur R. Gould
"… Street in South Portland in the Long Creek Youth Development Center, formerly known as the Maine Youth Center."