Keywords: granite
- Historical Items (305)
- Tax Records (24)
- Architecture & Landscape (11)
- Online Exhibits (27)
- Site Pages (270)
- My Maine Stories (3)
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Site Pages
These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.
Site Page
Historic Hallowell - Solid Foundations - Hallowell Granite
"Maternity, Hallowell Granite Works, ca. 1895Hubbard Free Library What made Hallowell granite desirable? It was light and fine grained, with a high…"
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Maine Granite Industry Historical Society
View collections, facts, and contact information for this Contributing Partner.
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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - The Granite and Ice Industries
"The Granite and Ice Industries Granite Quarry Crew at Work, Mount Desert Island, ca. 1890 Men at work in Hall Quarry."
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Historic Hallowell - Transportation Challenge
"1890Hubbard Free Library Granite pieces too large to be sent by rail were shipped by sea. Transfer to the ships was done at the granite wharf near…"
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Historic Hallowell - Portrait of the Proprietor
"He was the second Maine Governor from Hallowell elected in 1887. His son Joseph F. Bodwell succeeded him as president of the Hallowell Granite Works."
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Historic Hallowell - Nature's Bounty - Raw Material, Close at Hand
"Moving Granite, Outer Winthrop Street, Hallowell, ca. 1890Hubbard Free Library The wagon-like carriers were called "galamanders," and were usually…"
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Historic Hallowell - Natural Resource to Finished Product
"Workers, Hallowell Granite Works, Franklin Street, ca. 1895Hubbard Free Library 250 men worked at both the quarry and the granite yard."
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Historic Hallowell - Carvers and Quarrymen
"Granite Workers, Hallowell Granite Works, Hallowell, ca. 1920Hubbard Free Library In 1901 the average Maine granite cutter received between $2.80…"
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Historic Hallowell - In the Beginning - Raw Materials - Quarrying
"… finest public monuments were cut from Hallowell granite and sculpted by her artisans Hallowell viewed from Chelsea, Hallowell Chelsea Bridge…"
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Historic Hallowell - One of Many Monuments
"… Free Library One well known example of Hallowell Granite workers’ skill is the National Monument to the Forefathers in Plymouth, Massachusetts."
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Historic Hallowell - Early Industry and Bombahook
"Blacksmiths were are the heart of the granite industry where sharp chisels were an absolute necessity. Wire Mill on Vaughan Brook."
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Historic Hallowell - Train Wreck Of 1937
"… through the large window at the west end of the granite building. Train Wreck, Hallowell, 1937Hubbard Free Library Train Wreck…"
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Historic Hallowell - “Maine’s Century” Ends
"… Kennebec River steamboat traffic just as the granite industry gave way to concrete and steel. Last Coal Barge, Hallowell, ca."
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Historic Hallowell - Industry and Immigrants-A Changing Community
"… established after the Civil War, was the granite industry. For over 50 years, it employed close to 500 skilled stone cutters and sculptors, many of…"
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Historic Hallowell - The Boston Flint Company
"… was glued, they would sprinkle the flint and granite onto the glue and let it dry. This would form into sandpaper."
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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Kids at the quarry
"… once-busy industry, from iron spikes left in the granite to boilers that generated the steam power for the quarry tools."
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"… the cargo shipped to? The products shipped were: granite, wood ashes, lumber, sheep, chickens, and ice, according to Sam Webber, local historian."
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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Baird's Quarry
"Baird's Quarry Swan's Island granite was quarried at sites around the island, providing work for many laborers and the businesses that supported…"
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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Baird's Quarry history
"… Island Historical Society The pinkish buff granite from it was medium to coarse in texture and was used for pavers, random, and dimension stone…"
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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Draining the quarry
"… kept drained so that the workers could access the granite. When the quarrying season was over each year, the rain filled up the pit and iced over…"
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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - Quarrying
"1900Swan's Island Historical Society Granite quarrying was a successful industry on Swan’s Island from the 1890s to the late 1920s when the…"
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"Biddeford and Saco were well known for ice harvesting, granite cutting, and cotton textile manufacturing."
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"… Era as Experienced in Biddeford & Saco X Granite quarries became more popular in Biddeford during the Civil War."
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"With its resources of timber, granite, water power, fishing and hunting, Swan’s Island made an attractive settlement site for families and traveling…"