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Keywords: Land companies.

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Fixing Borders on the Land: The Northeastern Boundary in Treaties and Local Reality, 1763-1842 - Page 1 of 5

"Fixing Borders on the Land: The Northeastern Boundary in Treaties and Local Reality, 1763-1842 Essay by Liam Riordan Riordan is American historian…"

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Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Fixing Borders on the Land: The Northeastern Boundary in Treaties and Local Reality, 1763-1842 - Page 4 of 5

"Fixing Borders on the Land: The Northeastern Boundary in Treaties and Local Reality, 1763-1842 Manuscript Map of Moose River, Moosehead Lake…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Fixing Borders on the Land: The Northeastern Boundary in Treaties and Local Reality, 1763-1842 - Page 5 of 5

"Fixing Borders on the Land: The Northeastern Boundary in Treaties and Local Reality, 1763-1842 While national and imperial leaders were pleased…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Fixing Borders on the Land: The Northeastern Boundary in Treaties and Local Reality, 1763-1842 - Page 3 of 5

"Fixing Borders on the Land: The Northeastern Boundary in Treaties and Local Reality, 1763-1842 British survey highlands map, ca."

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - The Plymouth Company (Kennebec Proprietors) records, ca. 1625-1824

"Conflicting land grants, competing companies (including the Pejepscot Company), and squatters created a dynamic landscape with much at stake as the…"

Site Page

Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Scarborough Marsh: "Land of Much Grass" - Page 2 of 4

"Moses Banks’ 1784 survey map became the basis for all marsh lot purchases, work and disputes involving these companies."

Site Page

Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Scarborough Marsh: "Land of Much Grass" - Page 4 of 4

"… “An Act to Incorporate the Little River Dyking Company.” Chapter 533, 1871 ------ “An Act to Incorporate the Southgate Dyking Company.” Chapter…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Beyond Borders: an historical overview - Page 4 of 6

"Many others came under the auspices of no land company at all. During the Revolutionary War, scores of leading proprietors remained loyal to the…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? - Page 5 of 7

"… or colonists cutting down timber on unsold company lands. Effective agents needed a familiarity with the law, as the proprietors frequently…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? - Page 7 of 7

"Frontier residents retaliated by vandalizing the property of company agents, threatening them, and on several occasions, physically assaulting them…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? - Page 6 of 7

"… on payments, or helped themselves to timber on company land, while arguing that, by assuming the risk of moving to Maine, and making the company…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? - Page 4 of 7

"Proprietors who held onto their company shares long enough—however small—received significant landholdings."

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? - Page 1 of 7

"Both companies formed to legitimize and take advantage of titles to vast tracts of Wabanaki Homelands, but the different origins of their claims both…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - The Shaping of the Borderlands: Arcane Deeds and Failed Colonies - Page 3 of 5

"… map, 1843Maine Historical Society The Maine land companies which had been organized in the wake of the fall of Acadia—in particular the Pejepscot…"

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Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Women in Colonial Economies - Page 2 of 4

"… both before and after the formation of land companies. Most women landowners were widows who inherited such property from their late husbands."

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Pejepscot Proprietors Papers, 1627‐1866

"It also includes municipal records for towns settled by the company, most notably Brunswick, Maine, with warrants and reports."

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? - Page 3 of 7

"Without acknowledged Indian deeds of their own, the Kennebec Company came to the opposite conclusion."

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Project Home

"… important contemporary topics such as Indigenous land and water rights; and the preservation and use of public lands."

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Beyond Borders: an historical overview - Page 2 of 6

"They formed a bevy of companies to oversee the extension of British trade and settlement into new regions. Land—lots of it—was a means to that end."

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Pejepscot Proprietors Biographies - Page 1 of 2

"His grandfather purchased lands near Saco in 1673 and his father married into land ownership in Maine. Both were councilors in the state."

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Women in Colonial Economies - Page 3 of 4

"… to the surveys and land sales documented in company records. Women’s economic activities, in short, undergirded both Wabanaki society and White New…"

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Who were the Kennebec and Pejepscot Proprietors? - Page 2 of 7

"… Goodwin found a copy of the Plymouth Colony Patent in 1744. The major shareholders began attempting to make the company claim a reality in 1749."

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Beyond Borders: an historical overview - Page 3 of 6

"In their squabbles with rival companies, they rejected what was by then a longstanding custom of rooting Anglo title in Native land rights, arguing…"