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Keywords: The Corner

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

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Guilford, Maine - STUDENT CORNER

"STUDENT CORNER Guilford History as Seen Through the Eyes of Youth by 8th Grade Students, Piscataquis Community Middle School (Please note: Editing…"

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Western Maine Foothills Region - Mexico Corner

"The Gleason farm, also known as The Intervale Farm, followed the contour of the Androscoggin River to just below the Goodwin Cottages."

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John Martin: Expert Observer - Hampden, Upper and Lower corners, 1835

"The illustration appears on page 94 of his journal. On the following two pages, he detailed the shop, church, or other business, or resident of each…"

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Presque Isle: The Star City - Significant Events

"Significant Events Located in the north-east corner of the nation it has played a significant part in the country's history and its impact has gone…"

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Bath's Historic Downtown - The Sagadahock House and The Sagadahoc Block

"Hallet's Drug Store clock, and the words Thompson's Corner right on the sidewalk on the corner of Centre and Front street . X"

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Presque Isle: The Star City - Phair House, the Bellstead and the Social Security Building

"In 1916, he sold it to Paul X. Beaulier who operated it as a boarding house. Beaulier sold the house in 1944 to the Bell Telephone Company and they…"

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Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - A Look Inside the Classroom Over Time - Page 2 of 4

"If there was a problem on the playground the child who caused it would be sent in for the rest of recess."

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Presque Isle: The Star City - Oak Hotel

"It was also used for housing relief for a shortage caused by the military moving into the area. The hotel consisted of forty-six units, mostly for…"

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Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Transportation Through the Years - Page 4 of 4

"Scarborough’s Beech Ridge Speedway at the corner of Holmes Road and Two Rod Road was built in 1949 on the site of an old horse track."

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Presque Isle: The Star City - Cunningham School

"The building was constructed of brick and was intended to be indestructible, but it caught fire in 1921. It was rebuilt in 1922."

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Presque Isle: The Star City - Firemen's Muster, Presque Isle, 1938

"The parade is heading east up State Street. View additional information about this item on the Maine Memory Network."

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Bath's Historic Downtown - The Railroad Station

"Also in 1959, passenger train service on the MCRR was discontinued. X The last big change in crossing the Kennebec River happened in 2000 with…"

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Presque Isle: The Star City - Eddie's Market

"Michaud’s store was on the corner of State and Exchange Streets. Eddie started his own store, Eddie’s IGA, which had a line of groceries and meats…"

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Presque Isle: The Star City - Carroll's Auto Sales Buildings

"The dealership has been relocated several times throughout its lifetime. At first, Skippy sold all kinds of used cars and trucks."

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Bath's Historic Downtown - The Patten Free Library

"X Also, there is a fountain in the southwest corner of the park called The Spirit of the Sea. But what was there beforehand? An earlier fountain…"

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Presque Isle: The Star City - Bethany Baptist Church

"… Baptist Church still holds weekly services on the corner of State and Second Streets today. Sources: "Baptist Church Formed After Members Leave…"

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Presque Isle: The Star City - State Street Baptist Church

"In 1880, land was purchased on the corner of what is now Second and State Streets and the building known today as State Street Baptist Church was…"

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Presque Isle: The Star City - Soldiers marching in Presque Isle Memorial Day parade, 1944

"… Isle Memorial Day parade in 1944 as seen from the corner of State and Main Streets in front of the A.M. Smith Building."

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Presque Isle: The Star City - Electric generator delivery, Presque Isle, 1959

"… Company building in the background is at the corner of Main Street and Chapman Road, Presque Isle."

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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Harbor Cottage, The Old Ell (“Mame’s House”), and the Big Barn

"… Lodge, located at 20 Peabody Drive, on a corner of Peabody Drive above the Asticou Inn where the main road of Route 3 meets the upper end of the…"

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Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Meet the Team

"Meet the Team The Scarborough MCHP team consists of the Scarborough Historical Society, the Scarborough Middle School, and the Scarborough Public…"

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Presque Isle: The Star City - Free Baptist Church, Presque Isle, 1895

"… Church (later the State Street Baptist Church), corner of Second and State Streets, was built in 1881."

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Presque Isle: The Star City - Main and State streets, Presque Isle, 1929

"The view is looking East up State Street. This photograph shows the Bolton Block and the businesses within in 1929."

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Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Charles K. Savage (1903-1979): The View from Asticou - Page 1 of 6

"Whether it be through the lens of his camera while walking on the village trails, artistically developing landscape portraits in the dark room at his…"