Search Results

Keywords: Bodwell Street

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

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Lincoln, Maine - Weatherbee Hardware

"He built his store on the west side of the street because he knew all the farmers came into town from the north and the farmers would hitch their…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Frederick A. Edwards

"… on August 13th, 1984, in his home on High Street. David Fogg "Describe the feelings, or the feelings of someone living in that time when a certain…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Catholic Church

"The church was being built across from Pleasant Street, yet the rectory was two buildings away. They held the first mass in the church on Sunday…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Other Early Hospitals

"Dr. Gulesian bought a home on Lee Street in hopes of opening an Osteopathic Hospital. His hope came true and in August 13, 1947 the Gulesian Hospital…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Thomas G. Libby

"Works Cited "The Buildings, Businesses, and Streets of Lincoln." Lincoln Historical Society: Black Binder 1 & 2. Print. Fellows, Dana Willis."

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Lincoln, Maine - Jacob Stinchfield

"… Church, at the intersection of Main and Lee Streets. The inscription on the bottom of the monument says: “Erected in honor of the men of Lincoln…"

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Lincoln, Maine - That Pioneer Spirit

"… Weatherbee Hardware on the opposite side of the street. The store needed to expand, and Mr. Weatherbee saw the fire as an opportunity to help grow…"

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Lincoln, Maine - MacGregor's Spool Mill

"… of the New Year, how perfect! This morning, the streets were filled with men on their way to the mill, on their first day of work since that awful…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Gordon's Fox Farms

"Lewis, a woman who owns the little store down the street, is bidding $4,000 for our oldest and largest fox on the farm."

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - V. Changing times: the Swan’s Island Ferry

"… the faces and names of those they met on the street. "William S. Silsby" Ferry, Swan's Island, ca."

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Swan's Island: Six miles east of ordinary - II. Pinkies, wherries, skiffs and chebaccos: Early Settlement

"… set out to turn himself back in, but died on the street. A world away, the Swan’s Island settlers had taken matters into their own hands."