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Keywords: Bottom

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

Site Page

Historic Clothing Collection - Cotton twill bell bottom pants, ca. 1975 - Page 1 of 3

"Cotton twill bell bottom pants, ca. 1975 Contributed by Maine Historical Society Description View additional information about this item…"

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Lincoln, Maine - Eastern Manufacturing Company, Lincoln, ca. 1920 - Page 1 of 2

"In the bottom right of the photograph is a conveyor belt that put wood in a box car and shipped it to Brewer."

Site Page

Lincoln, Maine - Weatherbee Hardware Store window display, Lincoln, ca. 1943

"Billy Burke's girl." "Jerome at bottom" "Clifford Stevens- left" "Laurence Burke on right" "Stewart Moody at bottom" "The aviator is some Beatham"…"

Site Page

Lubec, Maine - Building the Roosevelt Bridge to Campobello - Page 2 of 3

"… the water reflecting the calm before tide reversal. The left photo near high tide reveals the water just below the bottom of the trestle's deck."

Site Page

Historic Clothing Collection - Organdy summer dress, ca. 1863 - Page 1 of 4

"… sleeves, defined here as a sleeve gathered at the bottom with a button enclosure. The fullness of the skirt is consist all the way around."

Site Page

John Martin: Expert Observer - Steamer "Bangor," 1847

"… went on a one-day excursion aboard the new iron bottom propeller steamer Bangor from Bangor to Belfast."

Site Page

Farmington: Franklin County's Shiretown - SEE NOTES "Jaffery" a new novel. Publisher's promotion postcard.

"If you look closely at the bottom, there is a brief synopsis of the plot; the reverse side assures us "the story, written in the author's happiest…"

Site Page

Historic Clothing Collection - Poppy print maxi skirt, ca. 1975 - Page 1 of 3

"At the bottom of the ribbon, there is an attached blue cotton plain weave cotton tie that is a double piping decoration."

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Historic Clothing Collection - Gauze evening dress with silk sash, ca. 1865 - Page 1 of 4

"… and is trimmed with ruffles along the bottom edge. The green color of the sash reflected with an encased green silk ribbon."

Site Page

Historic Hallowell - Volunteer Firefighters and their Fire Clothes

"… firemen wore black pants, a black top with white bottom, and a white belt. Their hats were yellow while some were red also with black in the middle…"

Site Page

Biddeford History & Heritage Project - HISTORY

"The bottom tip of Factory Island and the Saco shoreline are visible on upper left. X Wildlife abounds, and includes deer, fox, and all manner of…"

Site Page

John Martin: Expert Observer - John Martin's plow, Hampden, ca. 1833

"… from the maine stump about a foot from the bottom of the root." From the time he was 10, he was proud of his gardening and farming prowess and…"

Site Page

John Martin: Expert Observer - Canoe race, Kenduskeag Stream, Bangor, 1865

"… which includes the five canoes, has north at the bottom. Martin wrote, "Every available place on the bridges custom house wharves tops of store…"

Site Page

Historic Clothing Collection - Lace and fringe trimmed walking dress, ca. 1865 - Page 1 of 4

"… skirt is lined with an open weave cotton, and the bottom of the skirt is lined with a Moiré, or rippled effect, black horsehair."

Site Page

Mount Desert Island: Shaped by Nature - Early Performance

"… class gradient emerged, with natives at the bottom and wealthy, aristocratic cottage owners at the top."

Site Page

Historic Hallowell - Schooners, Steamers, Ships and Tankers

"… schooner, which used a schooner rig on a flat-bottomed, blunt-ended scow hull, was popular in North America for coastal and river transport."

Site Page

Historic Hallowell - Hallowell's First Dwelling

"… which they had brought with them and turned it bottom upwards. Then, with their wives and the one little child, they crept under it and passed the…"

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Historic Clothing Collection - 1970-1980 - Page 1 of 3

"A pair of hip hugging green denim bell bottom pants, which could have been worn with the hip length belted white vinyl pea or trench coat."

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Historic Hallowell - Shipbuilding

"… and placed so that the top was connected to the bottom of the above head deck while the other end was pinned to the wall supporting the roof."

Site Page

Skowhegan Community History - Benedict Arnold's March

"… that you move by pushing long poles against the bottom of the river. So many boats had to be built quickly, that the boat builders had to use…"

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Guilford, Maine - BUILDINGS - Page 1 of 5

"… it as a meeting place and had a store on the bottom floor. It was a three story building. Two more wings were eventually added on the sides."

Site Page

Lubec, Maine - Building the Roosevelt Bridge to Campobello - Page 1 of 3

"… and the contractor Callahan Brothers' flat bottomed, square bow skiff, operated by one of the contractor’s crew."

Site Page

Historic Hallowell - Shipping

"It was located where the Bulkhead is at the bottom of Winthrop Street, stated Sam Webber. Ships that came into Hallowell were from New Bedford, New…"

Site Page

Historic Hallowell - Industry at the Mouth of the Vaughan Stream

"It was located at the bottom of Greenville Street before the railroad tracks. After many experiments, the owner, Ben Tenney, decided to use quartz…"