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Keywords: British maritime trade

Site Pages

These sites were created for each contributing partner or as part of collaborative community projects through Maine Memory. Learn about collaborative projects on MMN.

Site Page

Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Maritime Tales: Shipyards and Shipwrecks - Page 1 of 2

"After the British burned and destroyed Portland’s merchant fleet in 1775, trade from that port was diverted to Dunstan Landing."

Site Page

Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Historical Overview - Page 2 of 4

"When the British attacked Lexington in April 1775, the Provincial Congress issued a call for 13,600 men; militia from Scarborough and neighboring…"

Site Page

Scarborough: They Called It Owascoag - Roads: From Footpaths to Super Highway

"In 1753, the British Government named Benjamin Franklin as one of two deputies in charge of the colonial mail system."

Site Page

Historic Hallowell - Industry and Immigrants-A Changing Community

"… cutters and sculptors, many of whom came from the British Isles, Spain and Italy. These artisans produced some of the finest public monuments and…"

Site Page

Lubec, Maine - Lubec History

"… the sea and its close proximity to the Canadian Maritimes have shaped its destiny – from trade and fishing in the early years, through the…"

Site Page

Historic Hallowell - Whaling

"Soon after, the British and the Dutch began whaling. For years they used Basques as expert whalers on their ships."

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - The Shaping of the Borderlands: Arcane Deeds and Failed Colonies - Page 4 of 5

"… bring White settlers into the region to bolster British control. A handful of land schemes in Passamaquoddy Bay sprang up under the jurisdiction of…"

Site Page

Islesboro--An Island in Penobscot Bay - Historical Overview

"British forces occupied Castine, three miles east of Islesboro across the Penobscot Bay, and much of eastern Maine."

Site Page

Lubec, Maine - Timeline

"Illicit trade increases in Passamaquoddy region 1809 • First lighthouse at West Quoddy Head. Thomas Dexter was the first keeper 1810 • Committee…"

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Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Women in Colonial Economies - Page 2 of 4

"Like other British colonies, Massachusetts, including the district of Maine, derived its legal system from its mother country."

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Beyond Borders: an historical overview - Page 2 of 6

"… a bevy of companies to oversee the extension of British trade and settlement into new regions. Land—lots of it—was a means to that end."

Site Page

Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - Passamaquoddy Hereditary Chief Francis Joseph Neptune

"He watched the French and British come to the village and talk about war, trade and alliances. When Francis was a young man, his father Chief Jean…"

Site Page

Bath's Historic Downtown - History Overview

"… expansion of international trade and therefore of maritime fleets. Many of those ships were built in Bath."

Site Page

Surry by the Bay - Early Settlement

"The British finally left Castine in 1783 and Loyalists were ordered out of the area in 1784. Life in Surry in these early years, specifically Newbury…"

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Beyond Borders - Mapping Maine and the Northeast Boundary - The Shaping of the Borderlands: Arcane Deeds and Failed Colonies - Page 5 of 5

"… which had so long defined European—and especially British—activities in the region which would determine its modern contours."

Site Page

Maine's Road to Statehood - After the War: The First Victory for Separationists

"Brig Enterprise and the British Brig Boxer off of Monhegan Island. The separation movement stood at a standstill during the War of 1812, as…"

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Maine's Road to Statehood - The American Revolution and Early Attempts at Separation - Page 1 of 2

"The burning of Falmouth in 1775 by the British was a final straw for many of those undecided about separation."

Site Page

Maine's Road to Statehood - Overview: Road to Statehood

"… that they were susceptible to attack from the British troops in Canada without the protection of Massachusetts."

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Life on a Tidal River - Narrative

"By 1814, the tiny town of Bangor with 850 people had seen its share of hard times. Yet its greatest hardship would come in the late summer when…"

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Acadian Archives

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